The 12th season of “Die Höhle der Löwen” has just ended on VOX (also on RTL). But investors are returning later this year. The broadcaster has now announced a Christmas special for the start-up show.

Nils Glagau (46), Dagmar Wöhrl (68), Carsten Maschmeyer (63), Judith Williams (51) and Ralf Dümmel (55) will report from a festively decorated studio. What else is different from a regular episode? The broadcaster promises “the most contemplative, cheerful and beautiful business ideas” for its first Christmas special. An exact broadcast date for the special edition has not yet been set.

The current season of “The Lion’s Den” ended successfully on Monday, October 17th. 1.68 million viewers tuned in, giving them a strong market share of 6.9 percent. Overall, the autumn season was a bit bumpy. After a weak start, the ratings first went up, but then fell again. In the end, however, the format recovered.

The next regular episodes of “The Lion’s Den” will air in spring 2023.