a growing criticism of the anti-discrimination law in Berlin. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to send Federal police officers for the time being in the capital to operations.

An anti-discrimination law should contain in the Berlin of possible racist Attacks to the police. But the capital is reaping the wind: interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to keep the state police from the Berlin district. Also from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg skepticism is heard. Berlin’s Senator for the interior, defended the rule.

Berlin – Because of the anti-discrimination law in Berlin don’t want to send the interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), the Federal police inserts for the time being in the capital. “Until Further notice,” said Seehofer, after a meeting of the interior Committee of the Bundestag on Wednesday the dpa to a question. “I can’t suspend my officials of this discrimination, where you then have to prove that they have not discriminated against.”

Seehofer responded to anti-discrimination law: the Federal police in Berlin? Bayern skeptical

The anti-discrimination act (LADG) is designed to protect people in Berlin from discrimination because of their skin color, or national origin by the authorities. It is intended to facilitate complaints, for example against the police .

From the ranks of the countries came in the past few days, in part to massive criticism of the law. Especially Bayern and Baden-Württemberg expressed on Monday concerns about whether their police in support operations in Berlin are not disadvantages could suffer.

police-armed to the Berlin law: Bavarian interior Minister Herrmann requirement

Baden-württemberg’s Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl (CDU) said on Monday that they will seriously consider whether it is still justifiable to send colleagues to Berlin in inserts. The Bavarian the Minister of the interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU), said the dpa: “We have a good cooperation, and we don’t want to steal it. But to be able to continue, we expect to see clear evidence that now, no new burdens for our officials.“

to appoint the Union of police called on the interior Ministers of the Länder and the Federal government, the consequences of the anti-discrimination law in Berlin for police officers. There is a need for clarity about the consequences of the decision of the Berlin Senate for police officers, said the Vice-GdP-Federal Chairman of the Jörg Radek on Wednesday in Berlin. He spoke of a General distrust of police officers. This was “justified in any way and must be corrected”.

The interior policy spokesperson of the Greens group in the Bundestag, Irene Mihalic , expressed a lack of understanding for Seehofer’s notice to send for the time being, no Federal police operations to Berlin. “The behavior is not attributed to in the case of a complaint, the individual officers, but of the state authority of Berlin,” said Mihalic.

anti-discrimination act in the debate: of Berlin, located inside the Senator’s critics as a “white old men”

Berlin Senator for the interior, Andreas hostage (SPD) had already made it clear that claims under the LADG directed exclusively against the Land of Berlin and all other länder of such claims is exempt.

hostage also expects that many critics of the new Berlin anti-discrimination act no experience with the topic. “The critics are mostly older white men , the claim that this is necessary. Yes, you are not being discriminated against,“ said the SPD-politician in an Interview published by the Cicero magazine on Friday, online. “In our city 35 percent of the population have a migration background – at least 1.3 million people. If not, tell us of your daily perceptions and experiences, the old white men have all of them, then we need to take this seriously.“

police since the case of Floyd in focus: the fuss about esque

The mutual support of the countries in the police work has a long Tradition and is particularly true for large locations with lots of forces as indispensable. Several Federal States due to the controversial law in order to send more police officers to Berlin, as it is in the case of large layers of the usual. The subject should also be in the interior Minister conference in Erfurt discussed, which runs from Wednesday to Friday.

Recently, there had been, under the impression of the case Floyd in the United States, there are always intense debates about the police work in Germany. Among other things, the SPD Head of Saskia esque had been given for an Expression of massive criticism. A criminologist is not estimated in an interview with the Münchner Merkur* the situation in Germany, but nowhere near as dramatically as in the United States.

racism experience, people in the peaceful upper Bavaria – in this article in Merkur.de* Affected to have their say.


*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.