The British heir to the throne, Prince William, and his wife, Princess Kate, celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary with a decidedly relaxed photo. “12 years” followed by a heart emoji reads the caption above the picture, the couple’s official account tweeted on Saturday. In the bright sunshine, the two embrace while sitting on bicycles and smiling at the camera.
41-year-old Kate wears her sunglasses in her hair, blue jeans and a brown handbag with a white blouse. William (40) wears sunglasses and has rolled up the sleeves of his blue polo shirt, the collar is unbuttoned. The photo was taken by the couple’s official photographer, Matt Porteous. Where and when it was created was initially not disclosed.
The couple married on April 29, 2011 in London’s Westminster Abbey – there William’s father, King Charles III, will be born on May 6. crowned. Kate and William have three children: Prince George, 9, Princess Charlotte, who turns 8 this Tuesday, and Prince Louis, who recently celebrated his fifth birthday.
William and Kate in Wales
Since the accession of King Charles, William – the new heir to the throne – and Kate have held the titles of Prince and Princess of Wales. The two recently stayed in the British part of the country for several appointments.
On Friday they met with survivors and loved ones of the 1966 Aberfan mine accident that killed 144 people. One-year-old Daniel was delighted to play with Kate’s purse for several minutes as the princess chatted with his mother Lucy Williams.