if you prefer still water, you should read on. The consumer magazine Ökotest tested 100 still waters and came to alarming results.

tap water can be drunk as the best controlled food in Germany without concerns daily*. However, many people buy water bottles in drinks or supermarket. Ökotest took 100 different still water under the microscope – and found in some product samples of hazardous ingredients .

Two to three liters of fluid should drink healthy adult per day, preferably in the Form of water, unsweetened tea or fruit spritzers. As a good guideline, the technicians apply health insurance, according to 35 milliliters per kilogram of body weight, in infants and children even more. To get to the recommended amount, many like to still water, because coal, the consumption amount of acid is reduced. the Ökotest has reviewed silent waters is now on contaminants and has been found in some cases.

In the laboratory, the reviewer examined 100 products to increased concentrations of uranium, arsenic, boron, and Vanadium. the A focus of the product testing was also on the nitrate content of the waters, contained sweeteners and pesticide residues . One-way PET bottles have been devalued in the Test, because their LCA is far worse than that of returnable bottles made of glass.

also read : Medium-mineral water in the Öko-Test: This well-known water contains pollutants.

Cheap test winner, and two well-known brands with grade 6

The good news in advance: “63 percent of the tested silent waters we can recommend with a “very good” or “good”,” so Ökotest. 41 brands fared “very well”, and 22 “good”. the To the test winners count :

Mineau Naturelle for 25 cents per Liter of Albertus source natural for 41 cents per litre

are classified as two very well-known brands of Ökotest with a grade of “unsatisfactory”: The still mineral waters of Volvic and Evian, both from Danone . The Controversial: Both products are the manufacturer that is suitable for the preparation of infant food. But the Ökotester see different: In the laboratory was determined for of Evian, a limit value is exceeded for uranium to accumulate in the body, kidneys, and lungs can damage. The Volvic water was contaminated with Vanadium, which is suspected to exert carcinogenic effects. The nitrate value in Volvic-water-rated, the experts at Ökotest as high, although below the for infants dangerous upper limit. The evaluation of Ökotest-editor, Meike Rix, are not, according to Focus Online: “The water brands Volvic and Evian only because of the absurdly wide transport routes is questionable. Our test results do not make you more attractive”.

click Here to see the full test results

More sources: www.tk.de

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