The Munich police warns with a curious Tweet from the excesses on father’s day. For the officers there was the same work.

21. May be expected in Munich extravagant celebrations for father’s day. The police asked in advance to have taken all times of Corona-pandemic reason. A Tweet to raise the awareness of the party animals among the fathers.

police happy: No major operations due to father’s day in Munich and the surrounding area

Update, 21. May, 17.12 PM: Currently the situation is calm in Munich and the surrounding area. “There are no major operations in connection with the father’s day,” says a spokesman for the Munich police force on demand. The location was quiet. “People stick to the rules.” A great deal of praise for all of Munich.

Update 21. May, 12.01 am: The father’s day was not yet an hour old, because the police had to move out already. Against 0.40 PM, a Patrol controlled several persons on the site of a gas station in the Ramersdorfer Chiemgau road .

The victims, who were mostly with their cars on-the-spot, were standing together in groups, and did not, in many cases, the applicable distance regulations , as reported by the police. They were unapologetic, and strengthening has been requested. It came to identity findings and numerous complaints against the protection against infection law . How many fathers were involved, not mentioned by the police in their press release explicitly.

father’s day in Munich, Germany: police warns with a curious Tweet from the excesses

Update 21. In may, 9.35 am: The sun gradually gains the upper hand, Munich’s fathers begin to prepare for your special day. In order for the celebrations to remain in the frame, tried the police via Twitter to raise again.

“daddy, just because you in weeks, and your buddies couldn’t see, I don’t have to pick you up tonight from the drunk tank,” write the forces to your Upload. This is a picture of a man in costume, needs to pull on his with plenty of beer loaded bike just a “police control” at:. After all, he is wearing a helmet.

certainly on the 18. May your beer garden -celebrated Premiere. A photo from the deer garden is a spectacular start to close.


in Spite of Corona: excesses on father’s day? Police and restaurateurs urge to Fuse

original message:

Munich/Berlin – With the views of traditional boller trips to the car to the father’s day call caterers and the police to reason and mindfulness. Because at the ascension of Christ because of the Corona-pandemic had contact restrictions apply.

“We can only Westphalia appeal to the reason and discipline of the people, the measures such as distance or the Wearing of a mouth-nose-to keep a protective hold,” said Michael Maatz, Vice-Chairman of the trade Union of police (GdP) in North Rhine-Westphalia. “Anyone who is not adhering to the rules, must reckon with sanctions. The colleagues are well prepared.“

Restaurants, and beer may gardens on ascension day almost everywhere unlock. The visit is connected with requirements. Often, for example, the contact data must be stored in the Restaurant. The Hiking in lakes or in the mountains is usually not a Problem. A rule may meet a maximum of the members of two households, in many States, but it must still be the minimum distance of 1.5 metres being complied with.

Corona Munich: father’s day excesses in the beer garden, there is a risk of “health comes first”

“The Virus is still among us, the danger is still not banned,” said Baden-württemberg’s Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl (CDU). Trips and Sunny weather should ensure that hard-won will take the risk. “It would be fatal, these successes now to be lightly put at risk. Please stay on father’s day mindful!“

In fact, had been expressed by some members of the concern, “is that on father’s day Celebrating in front of the beer gardens are and the rules not exactly,” said Thomas Geppert, country managing Director of the Bavarian Hotel and restaurant Association (Dehoga Bavaria). “I can only appeal that makes it the host to hard.” All companies would pay attention without exception to the regulations. “Health comes first.”