The case Traoré she will one day be on the screens ? It is the wish of Mathieu Kassovitz, who has argued in this sense in an interview in Paris, while her film Hate appears on the screen, 25 years after its success. Fervent support of the committee ” Truth to Adama “, created in homage to Adama Traore who has died after an arrest police in 2016, the filmmaker does not hide his admiration for the struggle led by his sister, Assa, figurehead of the collective, which continues to call for a revision of the investigation and a trial to shed light on the case.

According to Kassovitz, “there would be a movie to be made about the history of Assa Traoré, the daughter of Adama, his struggle, state violence around this story, the lack of ethics and respect for the people who are suffering… It is this that has not changed in the last twenty-five years old,” says the filmmaker. It is very easy to say that Adama Traoré was a thug that got what he deserved. But if you know her family, her sister, her history, you’re not going to support that he is killed like that. “

note that the two versions disagree about the death of Adama Traoré, who has been unsuccessful in the court of the gendarmerie in Persan (Val-d’oise), after an interpellation, despite the arrival of fire fighters and the Samu. The authorities evoke a pre-existing medical condition to his arrest, while his family evokes a tackle ventral during his arrest by the gendarmes. Assa Traoré, the daughter of Adama, then rises first in line to demand “truth and justice” in the folder, still under investigation. Specialized educator, she has quickly been able to count on a hard core, the family, relatives, members of associations, launching of calls for donations and sales of t-shirts to make a living for the collective.

To go further, also read EXCLUSIVE. Adama Traoré, the counter-inquiry

the most obvious Unfairness

The recent death of George Floyd in the United States gives a new breath of life to his fight politise against the police violence. She becomes a figure of the anti-racism in France, mobilizes social networks, media and celebrities who support his causes, such as Omar Sy, the singer Camélia Jordana, Eric Cantona, Yannick Noah, and Mathieu Kassovitz. At the beginning of June, after the manifestation muscular of the committee which took place before the tribunal de grande instance of Paris, the filmmaker does not go by four paths : “It’s been four years since Assa Traoré is fighting for something that is an obvious unfairness, he argues, then, on the antenna of RMC. Adama Traoré has been a victim of violence, it is undeniable (…) It has been left for dead on the floor of the gendarmerie as the police lied to his family saying he was going to well… ”

The actor of the series the Office of the legends also believes that the issue of police violence, already present 25 years ago in his film The Hate, is more topical than ever and requires a policy response urgent. According to him, if the relations with the police are often electric, it is because the forces of order are “not educated enough” and ” not enough paid “. “We need to have a smartphone with the police and, for that, you need to have a police smart…”

The director will he address himself to this film on Assa Traoré ? It does, for the moment, no precision, letting the idea take its course, knowing that it is necessarily difficult to turn a film about a case that still educated… On the other hand, it would have the idea to start The Hate… in musical comedy, with rap and hip-hop. The producers are already interested.

writing will advise you

How Jacques Audiard has turned off the lights of the ” Office of the legends “