Great feelings about “Let’s Dance”: Although the moderation duo Daniel Hartwich (45) and Victoria Swarovski (30) and the jury started the new edition elatedly, things quickly became emotional. The “Magic Moments” of the celebrity candidates were coming up – and with it the farewell to Tony Bauer (28). The comedian danced his own magical moment on the RTL show (also via RTL), but he and the broadcaster had previously announced that Bauer would be leaving for health reasons.

The first dance was one of the highlights on May 3rd. The presenter Jana Wosnitza (30) dealt with her mother’s battle with cancer with professional dancer Vadim Garbuzov (36). “I didn’t allow the thought that my mom could die,” she said in one clip. The anger at “this shitty disease” erupted during Wosnitza’s rousing performance, which visibly moved not only the audience but also the jury consisting of Motsi Mabuse (43), Joachim Llambi (59) and Jorge González (56). . That one even “got goosebumps in my heart” and so the trio received the full 30 points.

Singer Lulu (32) portrayed her endless love for her husband with Massimo Sinató (43) in a dance in their magical moment. What was certainly the biggest surprise of the evening for her: her lover had flown in from Japan and came to the dance floor. As beautiful as it all was, Mabuse noted that the dance was “like any relationship,” there were ups and downs. 24 counters.

The third dance was also all about the family – but especially about the love of Gabriel Kelly (22) for his mother. He danced with his professional dancer Malika Dzumaev (33) to his song, which he wrote with his mom. Llambi had huge praise for his personal favorite of the season: “You’re rhythmically, musically, movement-wise […] way better than everyone else.” No wonder the jury awarded the second 30 points of the evening.

Mark Keller (58) and Kathrin Menzinger (35) took the audience back to old Hollywood times, which reminded Keller of his mother. She always wanted to be an actress and he never really got to know her because she died shortly after he was born. The entire jury was enthusiastic about the interpretation of “Singin’ in the Rain”. The two enchanted Mabuse so much that she forgot everything around her. There was silence in her brain – and that was a miracle. Another 30 points!

Also with Detlef D! Soost, 53, was all about his family – his wife Kate Hall, 40, and his three children, who helped him shed a “tough mask” he once had. Together with Ekaterina Leonova (37) he danced to Hall’s live singing. The jury was particularly enthusiastic about Soost’s opening and awarded 27 points. Mabuse called the introductory part a “masterpiece”, and González would like to see it on the show’s big live tour, which is apparently scheduled as usual after the season.

During the “emo week,” as Hartwich said, Ann-Kathrin Bendixen (24) had a particularly difficult time. The travel influencer was actually already out, but got the call shortly before the new live show that she had to step in due to Bauer’s departure. As is the case this time, in such cases the dance couple who were last eliminated usually returns to the show. So there was hardly any training time, but she showed herself to be combative. And the audience and jurors also appreciated this. Even chief critic Llambi was very gracious and explained that she could be proud of herself. “For 24 hours […] it was really crazy,” agreed Mabuse. Despite the significant disadvantage, Bendixen scored 21 points and even her personal record.

This was followed by the couples’ dance duels, which were also announced for this week. Lulu should assert herself against Wosnitza on the slogan “Bollywood”. For Llambi it was “a tight game”, which Mabuse’s “shooting star” Jana narrowly won with 29 to 26 points. Soost then competed against Keller in a fiery “flamenco duel”. González felt “great energy” from both of them, but one in particular “rocked”. Soost clearly exceeded Keller’s 24 points, or as Llambi said: “Detlef should also get 30 points.” Kelly won the “boogie-woogie duel” even more clearly against Bendixen, who, as is well known, hardly had any time for training. According to Mabuse, he was “awesome, awesome, awesome” – but the juror also had respect for what she had achieved in such a short time. 30 to 17 for Kelly.

Even before the regular exit of a celebrity, Bauer said goodbye. About a day before the new edition, he and RTL announced that the comedian was leaving for health reasons. He suffers from what is known as short bowel syndrome. His small intestine was removed in his childhood, which is why he is fed with astronaut food through an implant. The strenuous dance training requires so much energy that he now has to reduce the load as a preventive measure, he explained in a statement. If he continued dancing, he could end up in the intensive care unit, Bauer said after his moving performance, in which he also discussed his illness and moved Mabuse – like many in the audience – to tears.

About his exit, Bauer said: “It was really weird to find out. It was really fun and I wasn’t that bad and that’s why it hurt. […] There are people who look at the glass as half empty, some as half full and I’m like: The main thing is that I have a glass.” He also now has a special souvenir of the show. Llambi, like Bauer a fan of MSV Duisburg, had organized a jersey with the number “10” for the 28-year-old and gave it to him with the words: “You didn’t even get ten points from me, today you’ll get them.”

Most viewers certainly expected that Bendixen would be eliminated again despite her best performance, but it wasn’t the influencer who had to go. Instead, there was another surprise at the end of the show. Singer Lulu and Massimo Sinató will no longer be seen next week.