Three months after his birth: Khloé Kardashian (38) showed her son on Instagram for the first time. For Halloween, the reality show actress published two pictures on the social platform. However, the baby’s face cannot be seen in the photos. In one picture, his big sister True (4) holds him in his arms, with his back to the camera. Only a small foot can be seen in photo number 2. The children are dressed up as characters from the stories about Winnie the Pooh. The little one as Tigger, his sister as the owl.
Khloé Kardashian has yet to reveal the child’s name. In the Instagram post, she just calls him True’s “baby brother”.
Her offspring had previously been seen on television. In the reality show “The Kardashians” he was filmed shortly after birth. A surrogate mother gave birth to him.
The officially unnamed baby is Khloé Kardashian’s second child with basketball pro Tristan Thompson (31). After a turbulent on-off relationship, they last separated in July 2021.