it was five in the morning, when Mie Højlund and Althea Reinhardt took a big decision.

“Last year we missed the finals in the league, and we were in a mega bad mood and bored of it. We were after the match in bed and thought, we have to do something.”

How to tell Mie Højlund to B. T.. the Talk was quickly into action, and at ten o’clock at the morning was the two landsholdsveninder in a store and bought the last equipment.

They hopped in a car, went to Sweden, and here they wandered for three days. ‘Completely smashed’ and with minimal sleep, but it was all worth it.

the Frustrations of injuries and missed the finale with the Odense Handball was gone away in the neighboring country.

“It was really hard. It helped so much just to get away and think about it, talk about it, but also get it at a distance and think ‘it makes the mega hurt it here and are super disappointing, but we also have a bronzekamp that must be won’. It was to put the disappointment and at the same time be ready to bronzekampen. It was hard. As a team, it was also to bring together a little bit, but we should meet up and talk about it, look each other in the eyes and say, ‘we are fighting your butt off of the pants for the bronze,” explains Althea Reinhardt.

Since the horizontal several times. It gives a peace and a respite from the everyday pulse, and at the same time thoughts the energy and get the cleaned head.

Both the girls are from the country, and find a peace in walking in nature, where only the sounds of animals, wind and sea. They talk rarely about the handball on the tours, which offers between 20 and 30 kilometres in the legs every day,

it is precisely the two took off together is certainly not a coincidence. They are not just teammates for a daily, they also have a special friendship.

“It is something completely unique. Arzbet I appreciate the Prize very much in everyday life, and it also makes some of the disappointments are a little easier to get through. You have a person in the same situation. We is extremely similar to each other and becomes a little called the twins, for there are a great many things,” says Althea Reinhardt with a big grin.

They tell both that they consider the other as a sister, and so it means just much to have a person in everyday life, as all experiences can be shared. On both good and evil.

“Especially because we know that through the finals, there will come tough situations where you think it is hard to be away. Is it nice to have one where you can talk about things and unload all the shit of her. It’s really nice,” says Mie Højlund on the teammate, who is also her roomie at the WORLD cup finals.

The two started to be on the same national youth teams. Then they talked together, but they were not so dense as now.

That changed, however, since the Mie Højlund for the two and a half years ago moved to Odense. They were teammates on a daily basis and clicked from the start.

They both laugh and cry together, while that can also be aired frustrations in the hotel room during the finals. Just because they know each other so well.

“We can be a bit hard at each other sometimes, but we also know, we do not believe it. If there is something on the track that frustrates me, it may well be Mie, I give an earful, despite it is not her who has made a mistake. And we both know it’s not the person we are angry at, but we just need to unload, so can the other just wipe it off. It means incredibly much, and I’m also sure she has it in the same way. We know both, we can pig each other, but we believe it is not. You need to come out with it,” says Althea Reinhardt about the friendship.

A friendship that in the summer we were invited on a holiday to Ibiza, as they were in Austria to hike. A hobby, they have been bitten by.

even if it is at a time that is gone ‘wrong’. On one of the tours, they came to the to merge two routes together, and it meant that they ended up having to go 42 miles on the same day. Something that is not going to repeat itself, laughing Mie Højlund.

“We were completely smashed in the body. Those who can run a marathon, I understand not at all,” says national player, who right now is in Japan. With the national team and her friend. They are over 8,000 miles away from family and friends, and here, give it a part that they have each other.

“It is clearly a challenge. You may well come to feel a bit isolated, and living in his own bubble to the finals. It means a lot, I can use her and spar with her,” says Althea Reinhardt.