Michael Trischan was in 24 seasons of “all In the family”. In a Facebook Statement to his series the end of the 58-Year-old by look, what is the reason for his exit was: “to make such a long-running series, but it’s always interesting, it is necessary to also change. This is now. […] On the one hand, I understand the decision to make room for new storylines and roles, which are also necessary. On the other hand, I regret this decision! I would not pretend, if it would be so.”

The hospital series “In Aller Freundschaft” is celebrating on Tuesday the 900. Episode in the First. Actually, it was planned that after three dozen episodes end with the Format should be. This took place over the years, however, so many friends, that it has always gone on. The title of the anniversary episode is “deep wounds”. The responsible broadcaster MDR promises: “It is highly dramatic.”

“In all friendship” with the new Corona-rules

The 900. A consequence of the last, the front of the Corona-forced break was shot. In the meantime, the clinic Team led by Dr. Roland Heilmann has played, since the first episode of Thomas Rühmann (65), the work resumed. Is turned to the pandemic Plan, with strict spacing rules.

the plans for the future of the Saxony hospital will be declared Brandt: “Just three seasons were approved. This means that we can still tell even in the 126 follow interesting and emotional stories. On one hand this is a great joy, but also a great responsibility, and we are very happy.“

Why “In all friendship” successful

At the Start of the TV-duration burner on the 26th. October 1998. Around five million viewers watch according to the channel week after week, the stories from the fictional Saxony hospital. The success of MDR-TV-movie-Boss Jana Brandt declared, with a “mixture of emotional personal stories, interesting medical cases, and a shot of escapism.”

“we tell our characters with a lot of love, to take seriously the everyday Concerns and needs, and spread at the same time always hope,” said Brandt. “In addition, the roles we place great value on authentic patients’ stories, and a strong Episode.”

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200621-99-506033/2

In the New scene from the Chaos of the night: a COP with a brutal Kick to the ground, stretched FOCUS Online/Wochit New scene from the Chaos of the night: a COP with a brutal Kick to the ground

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