in Order to prevent a spread of the Coronavirus, apply a lot of rules. But not to be followed in the hostel in Duke sägmühle sufficient, writes a resident. What it says in the diakonia village to the allegations.

Duke saw-mill – “There are employees who bring us all in danger”: There are drastic words chosen by the hostel residents in his E-Mail to the Schongauer news. Out of fear the man would like to remain anonymous. For proof of his allegations he sent pictures. They show how an employee at the counter grabs behind a Plexiglas slice of bread in the bread baskets. He is not wearing a Mouth guard, and no gloves. In the eyes of the resident maladministration, which makes the “Spread of a pandemic almost easy”. The food will be served without a mask and gloves, he criticizes. “No one in the house of the Duke sägmühle feels responsible for these circumstances to prevent.”

But what is, in fact, the allegations in the hostel will not have done enough for the protection of residents from infection with the Coronavirus? “Of course, I can understand very well if people in these times have such Fears,” says Andreas Kurz, who is in charge of layers in the diakonia village of the Department of “people in special circumstances” and, therefore, for the Inn “hostel” is responsible. However, the Inn is actually the wrong term, says Short, because with a General description of operation the facility that offers homeless people a temporary place to stay had nothing to do. “This is important to understand how we ensure the protection of residents and staff.”

Coronavirus: These rules apply in Herzog saw-mill

The most important measure: unlike in restaurants, where there is a constant Come and Go prevails, shall apply for the hostel’s strict access restrictions. Employees and residents would be protected as a group. The goal is to achieve in the home, there is a “maximum normality,” explains Short. A permanent mask of duty can be prevented.

the risk of infection to keep as low as possible, apply in the case of new residents, as well as in other homes, strict rules. For you have separated a living area, where they remain in quarantine until the recording of the doctor to give the green light, says Short. Regular staff and residents would also a Corona-Screening are subjected to, among other things, that fever will be measured.

in Order to avoid smear infections, you need to keep the employees according to Short-in addition to strict hygiene guidelines, which provide for, among other things, the regular disinfection of hands. Transmission of the Virus via the food as the residents feared, was actually out of the question. Also, the Federal Institute for risk assessment is in this respect clear. “Currently, there are no cases in which it is proven, that people through consumption of contaminated food with the novel Coronavirus have been infected.”

Not a large Coronavirus outbreak in the Duke saw-mill

The best proof that the residents of the hostel would have to Worry, provides for Short-is the view to the infection events of the past few weeks. In any facility of the Diakoniedorfs, which employ a total of around 2000 employees and 3000 people provide, whether it come in this time to a large Coronavirus outbreak, says the head of Department. There had only been individual cases, which would have usually been with a hospital visit in connection.

“This shows that the concept works.” The residents of the hostel obviously, however, there is uncertainty, regrets Short. “This means that we have not communicated good enough.”

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