Lisa Eckhart is not funny, and there would maybe talk to Lisa Eckhart resist. Because, to be funny, to generate a quick laugh, the concept is not the 27-year-old artist from Austria. Eckhart power of Satire, which is to remain stuck in the throat, in the audience exposed himself, if he or she has to laugh. “Metric Tactless called” Eckhart even this concept in one of your books.

the protection of the environment against xenophobia

And so it is that in the case of performances by Lisa Eckhart, an elegant Dandy figure in the style of the K. u. K. monarchy on stage and one obscenity after the other out. If you declared in your program, you should deport the refugees prefer to walk with the plane to save on CO2 (“for me, the environment comes before xenophobia”), then this is a typical Lisa-Eckhart-Moment. “Let them go on foot and without food home, or else you’ll find, on the basis of garbage like Hansel and Gretel, perhaps the way to Europe.”

but What if the audience to the concept behind the art figure of Lisa Eckhart is not familiar? If he or she sees only a short excerpt from the program, such as in a short video clip on Facebook? dpa/Daniel Karmann/dpa, The Austrian cabaret artist Lisa Eckhart.

“I mean, to pay the Jews reparations…”

this is Exactly what happened in may of this year, and it has carried the debate to Lisa Eckhart in unimagined spheres. The WDR announced a already somewhat older appearance of Eckhart from the year 2018 in the show “midnight lace” in social media, and the horror knew no bounds.

In the appearance do not ask Eckhart if the #metoo movement is anti-Semitic, as Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski are all Jews. “There is only good and right if we allow the Jews now, a couple of women out,” says Eckhart. “With the money is up to nothing. I mean, to pay the Jews reparations – that is, how Didi Mateschitz is a Red Bull issue.“ Mateschitz’s drinks, co-founder and co-owner of the Energy-producer.

Later, Eckhart adds: “What to do when the Inviolable start, other touch? (…) The sacred cow has BSE.” And further: “The most disappointed of the Jews, as we have fulminated against the silly accusation that it’s just the money, and now all of a sudden comes out, which is really about the money, the women, and that’s why you need the money.”

A question that is as old as art itself: Is that you? Where does the “art-figure”? And where reproduction begins to open in reduced anti-Semitism?

fear in the “left quarter”

Eckhart’s sayings beat high waves. The anti-Semitism Officer of the Federal government, called the speech “distasteful and worthy of criticism”, a number of Jewish civil society organizations accused the Satirikerin to spread anti-Semitic prejudices – art figure or not. Comedy colleague Dieter Nuhr struck, however, on your page: Who should be disturbed Eckhart because of their artificial character of anti-Semitism put it, “either the spirit or maliciously,” he wrote in the night of Friday, on Facebook. dpa/Henning Kaiser/dpabild The cabaret artist Dieter Nuhr is on the stage.

The reason for Nuhrs Post: Eckhart had been loading from the renowned Hamburg “Harbor Front literature festival”, where you should have read in September from her new book. The operator of the venue “not memory” feared close to the Reeperbahn, “to be able to known to be highly left-hand quarter” of the safety of the artist and of the audience do not guarantee. So it is read in the internal mail to the organizers of the festival, from which a plurality of media quote. “We are vehement opponents of the ‘Cancel Culture’, but that is of no use to us, the event will be blasted, is almost safety”, it says.

Suddenly, the “Black Block”

“Cancel Culture” March of the cue. The relatively young expression comes from the United States and to describe the tendency of left-wing circles, to unpleasant (i.e., non-left-wing) voices through aggression, threats, and violence to cease. It is important that the “Cancel Culture” can only come from the left. If a conservative Federal government wants to show the Minister, a columnist, because of a police critical commentary, or if the best-known German music prize is to be abolished because of the Jew-song line of a Gangsta-Rapper-art figure forever, then this is explicitly not a “Cancel Culture”.

The situation was, according to the projection of Eckhart in any case. “The black Block captures the black Humor,” is subtitled a commentary on the Bavarian radio. Also in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” was to be read to, “the Black bloc, the Antifa” wool parade””. “The Protestmob on the road and thus determines who is allowed here to exercise his art,” wrote an angry Dieter Nuhr on Facebook and criticized the outreach as a “totalitarian measure”. And festival Director Nicholas Hansen spoke of the “Weimar conditions”.

Everywhere threats

The only Problem is: The alleged threats by the “Antifa” or the “Black bloc” has never existed. The “Nocht memory confirmed” self again on Saturday in a press release. Rather, it was “concerned warnings from the neighborhood”. At the same time the operator wrote, we welcome the resulting debate. This was “very important to the threat growing ‘Cancel Culture’ to halt.” A debate on the threatening “Cancel Culture” with reference to a case in which there was no “Cancel Culture”.

In the US the word has lost a long time ago any meaning. A Republican Senator from the state of Georgia defendant recently “Cancel Culture”, because the game had called the Basketball League WNBA to vote for her opponent in the next elections. And also in Germany, the term always seems to be more to the rapture of reality. “Since this week she is the latest victim of the ‘Cancel Culture'”, – was said in the “world on Sunday” on Eckhart, as already it was clear that no one “has been cancelled”.

The Hamburg literary festival had invited Eckhart, by the way, the organizers suggested a different venue. The comedienne refused. More News from the world of culture and entertainment

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