Once completely detoxify pollutants get rid of, new energy win – this is my Plan for the coming weeks. Wheat, alcohol, or sugar, are not on the waiver list, for Swipe, Chat, data. I need a break, a Lockdown after the Lockdown.

Corona has led to the most common of all the Dating apps, has driven my screen time quite a bit in the height. Every day for five to ten minutes to the left-and-Right-Gewische, every day countless “How-are-you-in-this-time”- and “How-are-your-plans-for-the-weekend”-answer questions and a clumsy Turn on unmatchen. So much life and energy that you could really invest differently.

Bad shit

A crucial trigger for my desire to have ballast in the Andy’s plight was to get rid of (see episode 048), the me but a little divine. Why? Probably because it was actually my first really bad experience with the Dating app.

“You never had long-good luck”, would have to say my Single-girlfriend, Sara now that Tinder has been deleted months ago. “That was a stupid slip-up”, would Bianca keep up with them. “Pity-shit”, sings Funny van Dannen to do so.

right you’ve all probably. And I would give the whole Dating-noise just like something silent. Nevertheless, I have decided only once for a slight Detox-variant instead of the radical rehab.

Does it spark joy?

I began now to long sick and tired of creators instead of short-term gratification. Is to say: Dear people, the real interest of the show, instead of the text to accumulate free Matches. Before I go in the restrictive Phase, I’m so for the first time: 85 Matches have accumulated since the last time. 85 of the men I looked at, for good and the first step is to contact made have found – and vice versa. And then? No Message. In real life, I would stand now in respect of these 85 men in silence. Possible sure, but more like a weird idea.

I go through so once all the Profiles, wonder with whom I would talk in Real Life and write five of 85. The rest of the Matches I solve. And I must say, it feels much easier. A bit like the clean apartment after the spring cleaning, the mistete wardrobe or the hard drive recognized.

“The Basis of a good order is a big trash,” said Tucholsky once. Not that I want to say that I just shipped 80 men’s profiles in the trash. It was more of a “Does it spark joy”-tidying up Marie Kondo style.

so, five Matches, on which I concentrate now, and can look forward to. And a further restriction: messages are only checked once a day and answered.

Tinder-discharge days

at the Beginning, I can not Abandon so easily. My view of the phone and the Finger goes to the App, but after the first three days it is getting easier. My Dating Hunger subsides slowly and I think I already feel liberated.

my five almost companions have not reported two back. For Fabian, Julian and Dominik to fill in my discharge days with a daily Dose of feeling of well-being. I look forward to your messages and am aware of the time for a detailed reply. No Instant confirmation, no fast breakdowns to the bag of food or by the spoonful, satisfaction of needs from the tin.

Only Julian turns out to be, unfortunately, one of these removable bars – beautiful packaging, but without everything that makes fun. Fabian and Dominik stay still and eventually you can dispense with the time for us to be back on the waiver – I’m going to drink a cold beer and to Cheers, the Single-realization 049: Why waiver is not everything.

This article was written by (Kathi Killmann) Cayman Islands-ridden swamp! Who leaves the boat, signs death sentence