Britney Spears, 42, was reportedly involved in a heated argument at a Hollywood hotel. According to US media reports, an ambulance was called, but the singer was not transported and was safe. She herself speaks of false reporting on Instagram.

An anonymous source close to Spears reported to “CNN” that there was a “big argument” at the Chateau Marmont on Thursday night in which the 42-year-old was said to have been involved. They say she is now “at home and safe.” According to the report, paramedics were called to the hotel, but Spears did not leave in an ambulance but with her security team.

An anonymous source also reportedly confirmed to “Entertainment Tonight” that Spears is at home and safe. A spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department confirmed that an emergency call was received at 12:42 a.m. Thursday night requesting help for an injured adult woman. However, Spears’ name is not mentioned in this context.

The call did not address the nature of the woman’s alleged injury. An ambulance then drove to the scene and it is currently not clear whether the helpers met the supposedly injured person on site. What is certain is that the ambulance left the Chateau Marmont at 1:17 a.m. without transporting anyone to a hospital. The police were not involved in the incident.

Spears also spoke out on social media following the reports. “Just to let people know, the news is fake!!!,” writes the singer on her official Instagram account. She does not address in detail which aspects are not true or whether the alleged incident did not happen at all.

Spears wants people to understand that she is getting stronger every day. She asks, “The truth sucks, so can someone teach me how to lie???” She sprained her ankle the previous night and paramedics showed up at her door illegally. The paramedics did not enter her room, but she felt harassed. She ends the post with the words: “I’m moving to Boston!!! Peace”