After weeks of Corona limitations it attracts the people in the nature. But be careful: In the year 2020, the risk of Ticks in Bavaria is particularly high – with consequences.

climatic conditions Bayern seem to be “optimal” for the propagation of ticks . This leads to the fact that in the free state of the risk of tick bite significantly. Thus, the risk of a TBE-infection is compared to the previous year also significantly greater . Virologist, Dr. Gerhard Dobler sets off the Alarm – and reveals how you can protect yourself.

Munich – Damp, humid weather because ticks from their Hiding places and come and wait on their victim. Who dares now, after weeks of enforced abstinence in the forests and meadows, is a major risk the encounter with the little blood suckers. And thus also at a higher risk to be the causative agent of meningitis TBE is infected. Because: “Since may has increased the tick Population extremely. We are at record levels,“ warns Professor Dr. Gerhard Dobler, a virologist at the Institute for Microbiology of the Bundeswehr in Munich.

“The higher risk for a TBE Transfer is to a significantly higher proportion of adult ticks. They are about five to ten times more with TBE-Virus are durchseucht as the so-called nymphs, i.e. the young ticks,“ says Dobler. The risk for a TBE-infection is estimated to approximately 50 percent higher as of 2019. Also the German Red cross recently warned against the increased risk of Ticks.

risk of Ticks in Bavaria: “Optimal” weather makes for a worrying development

Numbers that scare. But still not shown in the previous infection numbers . To 8. June were registered in Bavaria, 34 TBE cases, shows the statistics of the Bavarian state office for health and food safety (LGL). A year ago there were in the same period, 33 cases. Dr. Volker Fingerle from the LGL sees no significant increase, it also considers it possible that because of the corona crisis* significantly fewer people in the nature on-the-go and therefore, there was no increased number of infections. “The next two weeks will show it,” he said. Especially since it is currently the “tick weather is par excellence, a little a bit muggy humid”. Absolutely right, it was to warn TBE. “You can prevent TBE with a vaccination. We have nothing to fight an infection that has fixed the cause. We have <strong medication, the Virus kill >, we can only treat symptomatically.“ Therefore, he was clearly in favour of vaccination.

+ those Who stay in the forest on the fixed Paths, is before the tick relatively safe. Before infection with the TBE-Virus vaccination protects but the best.©dpa/Stratenschulte

Always means that a larger Population of ticks due to the mild Winter. Virologist Dobler sees other factors. The tick would have had in the past two years, in the summer of very good propagation conditions . It was very hot and there were a great many mice. Gerhard Dobler explains: The tick goes through three stages. From the eggs larvae, which need a “blood meal” in a small Rodent to slip to develop into “nymphs” (small ticks). They need a “blood meal” to grow up. Then the females suck blood just to be able to lay eggs. With TBE, the larvae infect usually on the rodents. A German immigrant tick species followed their victims, even over hundreds of meters.

Hiking in Bavaria: to be Significant risk of a tick bite

Also Dobler strongly advises that in the risk-circles against TBE vaccination and the are in Bavaria, 91 of the 96 Bavarian districts and circle-free cities. The Situation in upper Bavaria is preparing Dobler, and said: “in Particular, on the Northern Alpine ridge, the circles are affected more and more. We know from current TBE-cases in Traunstein, Rosenheim, Germany, in the district of Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen.“ Years ago, he would have said: “the South of the motorway Munich–Salzburg, there is no TBE, as you can safely go in the nature. This has changed completely. Because you have to know that you can become infected with TBE.“ The entire Inn valley is now infested TBE, both on the Austrian as on the German side. The tick-the expert is sure that increase the risk is.

Dobler puts it in the formula: In upper Bavaria must be with TBE expected. Even in the city area of Munich, which, according to the Robert-Koch Institute as a TBE-free, hikers have to be according to His findings, especially in the Southeast, a significant risk of a tick bitten-infested to. Therefore, he advises to get vaccinated. In high-risk areas also, children should be vaccinated from the age of one year.

+ Prof. Gerhard Dobler of the Bundeswehr University.©Bundeswehr München

Moreover, Only with a long pants to get out in nature, put pant legs into the stockings and then search. Especially in the moist areas with thin skin such as the knees, armpits, groin region. Ticks that are found should be quickly with a tick-card or a pair of tweezers removed. “Prior to the removal of the tick should not be drizzled with Oil or owl, this can lead to even more pathogens into the wound,” warns Dobler. To remove a tick correctly, suitable tools such as the tick card, a pair of tweezers, or simply tip finger nails .

* is a service of the nationwide Ippen Digital editors ‘ network

section list image:©dpa/Stratenschulte