on Friday afternoon announced Caroline Wozniacki his retirement in tennis.

Now flocking in with greetings from Danish and foreign stars. the (CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED)

See hilsnerne including:

Colleague Serena Williams, who is good friends with Caroline Wozniacki off the field:

She also receives a greeting from the Danish superstar Luke Graham:

Managing director of the Danish Athletic federation, Morten Mølholm, will also be with:

The Danish Love with dance star Silas Holst, also sends a greeting to tennisstjernen:

The american skistjerne LIndsey Vonn writes the following:

The Danish national team also sends a greeting to Wozniacki: ‘Thank you for the many good and exciting moments, @carowozniacki. Good luck with your new life’

Stars such as the former table tennis player Michael Maze, the current tennis players Johanna Contaminated and Garbine Mugurua, and the Danish tv-host Camilla Martin (and badmintonlegende) also writes to Wozniacki.

‘All the best with it that is in front of you @carowozniacki. you can step out of “the suit” with pride,’ writes Camilla Martin.