The 16-year-old Greta Thunberg share the waters. Millions of people around the world are supporting her fight for the climate, but many others are sick and tired of the Swedish klimaaktivist.

The former T’up Gear’host Jeremy Clarkson are among the latter. Now langer – again – out after her.

During an interview with tv-channel 7 News admits the 59-year-old Clarkson otherwise, that he for the first time, have noticed the consequences of global warming during some recordings in Southeast asia.

Here the famous English tv host and car enthusiast houses on stilts, even though they were several kilometres from the coast.

But it not get Clarkson to change the view on the Greta Thunberg, which he has previously been after.

Certainly not.

“She is crazy and dangerous and is to blame for that small children have sleepless nights,” says Jeremy Clarkson in an interview with tv-channel 7 News, according to the

“I think she should go back to school and keep his mouth shut,” he continues.

During the interview, the calls Jeremy Clarkson on the whole, young people, klimabekymrede people to educate themselves, become scientists and do something about the problems instead of – as he experiences it – to teach the adult generation on the state of the world.

As mentioned previously, Jeremy Clarkson before the attack Greta Thunberg.

In september, he called the Swedish klimaaktivist for a ‘spoiled brat’ in a column in the british newspaper the Sun.

Greta Thunberg had to lay back for a little of each, since she became world famous and a symbol of klimaaktivismen.

She has, among others, received death threats and thousands of hate comments on social media – also here in Denmark.

‘The only thing that is collapsing is your brain, Greta. You should be closed into a closed department, where you belong,’ wrote Bodo Hans in a comment to an article on Thunberg on the B. T. s Facebook page.

We contacted the subsequent Bodo His and asked him why he chose to write about Greta Thunberg, which he did. You can read his response HERE.

Jeremy Clarkson was world-renowned as the host of the bilprogrammet Top Gear, as he was fired from in 2015. Today he hosts a second bilprogram, The Grand Tour.