I juggle every day between a first grader, I by the teacher the tasks required to make a kindergarten child and a manger child in need in time of course, my attention, me engaged and encouraged to want to be. I would also like to do my Job well, the budget is somehow going to keep us from what to cook and Healthy to eat.

I’m not a teacher and wanted to be never. Even as a child, I found it to be very annoying, if my dad could tell me about math or physics.

so Far, I was “just” his mom

I can understand my son, when it’s been hard for him to accept my way to explain I’m trying to him the lessons. I do it quite differently than his teacher, is quite different, as he was previously accustomed. So far, I was in his eyes, but “only” his mother. About the author private

Verena Claudi mid-30’s, mom of three children and lives in the Metropolitan area of Munich. At FOCUS Online, she writes regularly on topics that concern you and other parents. By the way, you blog on Instagram at “verenas_mamablog”.

And now I’m supposed to give him all the documents and assignments that we receive every week by Email. Am I supposed to do with him book entries, new number spaces to teach, to ask him to explain noun and article, and his writing of the eighth. It’s a completely new role, in which we have to us, even after all these weeks, still not one hundred percent imported.

Seven weeks of Homeschooling and not a single phone call to the teacher,

I feel on some days, in my role as Neulehrerin alone. It towers on the Desk of my son’s pile of leaves, and folder entries, without that he has ever received a Feedback on it.

In the first seven weeks, not a single call from the school came. No one asked what it is like for him in this time. Not a question of whether he needed somewhere to help, or simply just a reaction to all the tasks that he has done so far is really great.

He was so frustrated and had no joy in Learning. At some point I saw in the sad eyes of my child, all the completed tasks in a large envelope Packed, his teacher a love letter and drove with my son to school the next day, we got the first call from her, has done us all very well.

  • topic: educational researcher: Our students will only be notversorgt, because the System fails

I have in the last few weeks, tried many things. Once we have agreed a fixed learning times in the morning, once we have transferred the Learning to the afternoon. We have decided to do half in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. We have only done what like my son, the loved one, or even with the not starting, what pleases him so good.

Meanwhile, I dropped out of this fixed schedule is complete about the pile. I am the constant discussions just tired. I don’t want to put my good relationship with my son because of the home schoolings in the game.

My son decides when he’s doing the tasks

We have found a compromise that we both can live: He decides when he’s doing the tasks. The condition is that they are made.

And if to him in the morning, first to Play with his two brothers, or he would rather read a book, then this is ok for me.

I’ve learned, the fixed daily rhythm of release and found that it is also without rules. The most Important thing is that it goes to both of us so much better.

Whether it is good or not, if a 7-Year-old in the evening at half past 9 on the Desk and the homework starts to, I point to the discussion. But for us it is a way that works just fine.

And quite honestly, we have no pressure to the next Morning, get up early to appear on time for your classes – we currently live just from day to day, without fixed structures.

A trip into the woods is also the school

It has taken nearly eight weeks Corona-Isolation to screw me and my claims down, my children and I enjoy this looseness and freedom of a very. To read a beautiful book, for me, school – a trip into the woods to experience nature, belongs for me to the lessons. To bounce, just like on the trampoline together and sing songs, our units over the yard, paint the street with chalk, whittling Branches, or a bike ride.

All of this belongs to me also to be a beautiful day in Homeschooling. And the other part we will create our own way as well!

So in the next few weeks of Homeschooling and I am still particularly, but which I face now much more relaxed. Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care” FOCUS Online/Wochit Laschet taunts against Söder: “If beer gardens are open, to earn child care”