studies have already shown that the corona viruses in excreta. Power skidding the public toilets now-a-Virus? The experts have to say.

Public restrooms could play in the spread of corona virus, a larger role than I thought. Researchers have previously found in the stool of Infected Corona Material: is located. There is a simple solution to the Problem.

Coronavirus: researchers review the risk of Contagion to the public toilets

Than main route of transmission for Sars-CoV-2 the airborne droplets* over Talking, coughing or Sneezing in the research currently. Also, more and more aerosols back in focus: In this case, it is suspended particles in the air , caused, for example, when Talking and kissing could be. A recent study published in the journal “Physics of Fluids”, suggests now that could contribute to the public toilets to the spread of the Virus via aerosols .

The researchers from the University of Yangzhou, reconstructed on the basis of detailed computer models, the water and air currents, which are generated during the rinsing of different toilet types. They found that virus-contaminated Aerosol clouds can be inhaled by people . The flush would therefore create a vortex that can climb up to a height of one Meter above the toilet bowl. The aerosols can then float according to the researchers, about a Minute in the air.

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risk of infection in public toilets? Studies indicate that the corona viruses in the faeces

the corona virus* may also be in the stool of Infected are beginning to show more and more studies. Also, Clemens Wendtner from Munich, clinic Schwabing, has published, together with the virologist Christian Drosten of the Charité hospital in Berlin, an analysis in the journal “Nature”, shows that the pathogen is probably also in the gastro-intestinal tract increased . It was not therefore rule out the possibility of precipitates of infection risk.

“It is an interesting aspect, if it ships to toilets in tight spaces such as on a cruise, in trains, planes, Collective centres or asylum homes goes,” Christian Wendtner, compared to the German press Agency. Therefore, he advises to set in the public space, not on the toilet and the hygiene recommendations glasses to make. A more simple solution to the Problem, the authors of the study from the China of Europe: you Close the toilet seat before flushing .

How likely is an infection with the Coronavirus on public toilets?

Wendtner but also warned: “After the chain of infection is running through the lungs, it is definitely relevant, distance rules in public space, and to avoid mass gatherings .” In addition, so far, but only a few researchers of viable virus in the stool have been able to ascertain. Dead virus material is not infectious.

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