Thomas Gottschalk is back on Twitter – and with a Bang. Because the German TV legend posted after two years of Twitter abstinence to his Account, the excitement is great. And not for this reason alone: the cryptic message of the popular Entertainer returned, in surprise.

As Thomas Gottschalk posted a simple date, this is still in the future. “20.07.2020” – marked with a red heart. Clear that in the comments already is diligently puzzled over what may happen to this day. “This is the day of the move to Malibu?”, a Twitter user asks, for example. Another user wants to know: “Is it a Boy or a girl?”

Twitter users congratulate Gottschalk to the wedding

For some Twitter users, the thing is already crystal clear: a writes: “I think here is married!” And another even further and commented: “congratulations on the upcoming wedding.” Another user writes: “I am looking forward for both of you. You guys are a cute Couple.“ Gottschalk is involved since 2019 with the 58-year-old SWR employee Karina Mroß.

Whether a wedding or moving: It is wildly speculated under the Twitter Post by Thomas Gottschalk. What will really take place on this day, we will probably only learn then – on 20. July 2020. Only two weeks are fortunately up to the crucial date.

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