that is were they have something that Spanish companies not found in many of those who stayed: languages and international experience. Although the rate of unemployment amongst graduates, higher still the second-highest in the European Union, 8.4% compared to the 3.9% average, the regions they want to bring more graduates. “There are different readings; they need profiles competent for the jobs that the companies fail to fill; they want to settle the outstanding debt with the families for the fact that their children had to emigrate and they want young people with a job to pay the pensions,” says Florentino Felgueroso, an economist and researcher of the foundation Fedea.

For the emigrants —of the 2.5 million spaniards living abroad, 1,5 are in America and less than a million in Europe— the motivation for the return is usually not work; in Spain, lost wages, conciliation and telework, which does not end of set. What they lack is sun and family, to be close to their parents to care for them in their old age, according to the reasons stated by the own returned to the technicians of the autonomies. These are some of their stories.


The man behind the schools that have finished with classism and choose their students by lottery why Portugal is the star pop-up of the education? Your minister explained the keys to the success

A sheep most of the flock


a month Ago that Julia Armisén, an industrial engineer of 33 years, he returned to Zaragoza, his home town. He fled from Spain in 2010 after a career fair to tell you that it was “a sheep most of the flock”. In its curriculum only included three months of practices and spoke no English. Went to London, where he began taking care of children and then chained precarious contracts in a number of enterprises from the telecommunications sector of photovoltaics. “I began to feed the idea of returning to Spain without realizing, I was low in mood and I imagined a lot better on my earth”. He learned of a plan to return to under 35 years of age driven by the Aragonese Institute of the Youth in 2019, contacted them and in less than 48 hours I had a vocational expert at your disposal.

Aragon is, along with Castilla-La Mancha is the only region with a comprehensive plan of return, in which in addition to financial aid for the return trip (the annual budget is of € 50,000 up to € 3,000 for each young man), there is a team that advises them by video-conference on labour and on the paperwork necessary for the return. The aragon is the only community that, in addition, it offers them a psychological support service. “These guys may suffer the so-called culture shock reverse at the back, or the sense of shame to feel that his back can be interpreted as a failure”, explains Adrian Gimeno, director of the institute. In a year, 74 young people have returned due to this plan.

Julia the administration has entered the 1,600 euros that cost him the ticket back, moving some of your furniture and the transportation of their dog. Could have benefited from the coverage of the first two months of rent, that offers only Aragon, but he preferred to be installed in the home of his mother the first year. The technicians of the institute helped him to prepare your resume to make it attractive to enterprises and contact number for interviews.

The plan account today with 54 affiliated companies. Julia has been hired at a company’s systems for protecting wind turbines against fire, and his salary nearly 2,000 euros a month. “We must not romanticize the United Kingdom, there the beginning of the working life is complicated and precarious; I’ve been through many companies and not all have treated me well, nor have they respected my schedule,” he explains. Now it feels strong, has become with experience in renewable energy, the field that interests you most, and with good command of English. What we value the most of the service return aragonese are sessions by Skype and the emotional support. “The beginning of all the tough decisions are complicated; I have helped to manage the uncertainty because the most difficult thing is to assume that, if it is going bad and I want to go back to London, I won’t be able to do so by the Brexit”.


between the european countries by level

studies from 2007 to 2017

In thousands

Level of education:




While the Uk

have come 838.000 people

higher education

from other countries

of the EU, of Spain, have gone out

87.000 in that same period.


























A. Bound






Source: CEPS using data from Eurostat.



between the european countries by level

studies from 2007 to 2017

In thousands

Level of education:




While the Uk

have come 838.000 people

higher education

from other countries

of the EU, of Spain, have gone out

87.000 in that mymo period.


























A. Bound






Source: CEPS using data from Eurostat.


migratory Movements between the european countries by education level

from 2007 to 2017

In thousands

Level of education:





While the Uk

have come 838.000 people

higher education

from other countries

of the EU, of Spain, have gone out

87.000 in that same period.

























A. Bound






Source: CEPS using data from Eurostat.


Aragon, has published the first guide of the left in explaining all the necessary paperwork for the return, from those related to the Social Security (periods of insurance in another EU country, you have to calculate the pension and it is necessary to apply the history of quotes before you leave the country), until the paperwork to collect unemployment in the destination country while looking for work in Spain (for a minimum period of three months and a maximum of six).

The city with less unemployment

Lourdes and Adrian

Lourdes Cañizares, graduated in conservation of cultural property, changed the lives of a Google search: ‘a european City with less unemployment’. It was June of 2013 and a month later he moved to Innsbruck, west Austria. “I went with a few savings of thousand euros and without speaking German. Four years later he was responsible for the conservation of a public museum of art tyrolean”, its 34 years old and a newcomer to Madrid. I had a good salary, more than 2,300 euros per month, and high self-esteem. When you get worked for a few months as a childminder, then as a cleaner in a hotel and later made the leap to the head of the restoration of a historic façade in 1912. “I was losing the life of my first nephew and he thought that the situation in Spain was better than what I’ve found”, account from your rental home in the madrid district of Vallecas. “None of the companies I submitted my resume I answer, not even to thank me for the contact. Nothing. I’m not used to this treatment,” she laments.

Lourdes is out of the programmes for the return of young emigrants in a time that was already in Madrid. Was not able to benefit from aid, but from a month ago is part of a pilot program that the Ministry of Labour has put in place to analyze what are the needs of the emigrants on their return to Spain, a project in which they are advising those responsible for Return, a platform that created a number of young people who emigrated to Berlin in 2017 to help those who want to return to Spain. On its website, there are registered more than 11,700 individuals from 114 countries who seek to return. “It is unlikely that your motivation to come back is employment, tend to be personal reasons but find the barrier of finding a quality job,” says Raul Gil, one of the founders of the platform. In march 2019, the Ministry of Labour adopted a Return Plan, with a budget of 24 million euros (which was truncated by the extension of the General Budgets of the State) and nine other ministries involved, as well as 60 companies, which became paralyzed by the advance election.

Lourdes Cañizares and Adrián Martínez with her dog in a park in front of their rental home in the madrid district of Vallecas. R. G.

The plan seeks to ensure that all of the autonomous regions make efforts to attract the young talent lost (87,000 people with a higher education had left Spain between 2007 and 2017, according to Eurostat data, while other countries such as the Uk won 838.000 in that same period), since some, such as Andalusia, Murcia or the Canary islands do not have any concrete measure, according to the data we Return. Regions such as the Balearic islands, Catalonia, Extremadura, Madrid, Basque Country or Valencia have aid for the costs of the return and fiscal plans to encourage firms to offer permanent contracts to the newcomers.

Adrian Martinez, 33, is a partner of Lourdes and in 2013 he moved to Innsbruck with her. Both are of Caudete, Albacete. When they left, he left in Spain work part-time as a graphic designer in a furniture store in Murcia. Adrian left school after completing the Baccalaureate. In the austrian city began as a cook at Mcdonald’s, then he improved his German and paonly a travel agency for Spanish and years later got a job at Ikea. On his return to Spain, it only took a month to find a job. Designed its curriculum with the format of the catalogues of Ikea and you were selected for one of the hotels of Madrid.

Although it had been aware at the time of the return plans, would not have been able to compete. Are intended for post-graduates. “I understand that we are many that we left and that they give priority to those who are most curraron in the studies. I think there are other priorities that are not economic”, he considers. For example, more assistance to manage the search for floor, and the signature of the rental contract. “All the landlords will ask for a work contract with at least three months old. When you’re a newcomer you have the documentation of another country and in another language, and the costs of sworn translation are very high. The Government should create a system to facilitate the process,” points out Adrian.

Less purchasing power


When Plains Valera, of 36 years, it was clear that he wanted to return to Spain to be closer to his family, it marked a limit: would not return to Castile-La Mancha, spain, his native land. I wanted to settle in a big city and ended up finding a square of a postdoctoral researcher in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In 2009, after finishing the degree in Environmental Science and to specialise in hydrographic basins, went to Argentina with a grant from the AECID (the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation). It was 10 years in the country: he worked at the University of Jujuy and the ended up hiring the Ministry of Environment and later the Infrastructure as the deputy director of water resources.

Llanos Valera on the campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Christopher Castro

“The idea of returning to Spain was my existential question for the 10 years, there had greater purchasing power than I have now”, tells us about his scholarship at the UAB, which has around a thousand euros per month. “I was not ready to return at any price, but Barcelona I was attracted by the opportunities I can offer in the field of science, valoré the expectations of future wages”. The Government manchego has entered the thousand euros for the ticket and the technicians we spoke of the limitations of the labour market in Spain a decade after its launch.

From that Castilla-La Mancha launched its plan to return in 2017 —was the first region that did with a comprehensive program and a budget for three years of 1.4 million euros (of which they have only spent p500, 000)—, 312 people have returned, of which 187 have been received up to 3,000 euros for travel expenses. Unlike other regions, in 2018, eliminated the age requirement of 35 years. “Many of the students with best records were with the Erasmus programme, and not returned”, it indicates Augusto Ruiz, head of the service of intermediation of Employment Counseling la mancha.

Of those who have returned, more than 90% had jobs in their countries of destination. The sectors of engineering, education, health and the environment are the ones that have been more requests back to Spain. “One of our problems is that we don’t have ways to contact them,” says Ruiz. His efforts to recover them is such that up to fund the back to those who have no plan to settle in that community.

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The agreement of the new Government to return

In the document of agreement signed by the PSOE and United we Can with the guidelines for the new coalition Government, a figure the momentum of a program for the return of people migrated. The project aims to “take back those who left our country in search of a job, and that are so necessary to our economy,” as well as “young people who have emigrated in recent years and the researchers who had to abandon our scientific system”. The new Executive will need to clarify if you are going to take up the plan approved in Council of Ministers in march 2019, issued by the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with nine other ministries, or whether to create a new one. Predictably, the charge would be the new minister of Social Security, Inclusion and Migration, José Luis Escrivá.

On the return of scientists and researchers, the minister of Science and Universities in functions, Pedro Duque (who repeated as the minister of Science), pointed out in an interview with this newspaper, its intention to close a plan to contain the brain drain and attract those who left the country, but warned of the need to budget for between 700 and 1,000 million euros to make it viable. “First, I need financing; you have to come to an agreement, it was the first thing I wanted to do when I get to Congress.” It was November of 2018. Now opens a new stage.