for the First time in many weeks, Beijing has witnessed a major outbreak of the Coronavirus. On a large market in the Chinese capital were discovered at the beginning 500 of the Tests 45 infections, on Tuesday 27 it came up. The Xinfadi market in the district of Fengtai, which supplies about 90 percent of the vegetables and fruits of the 20-million-metropolis, it was closed. In the context of eleven residential have been sealed off the quarter and nine kindergartens and primary schools closed. About 10,000 dealers and employees of the market to be tested.

investigators have traced the Virus to a hack Board back on the imported salmon was processed, as the head of the wholesale market, the Beijing newspaper “Beijing Qingnianbao” reported. Many supermarkets in Beijing, she was subsequently imported salmon from their shelves. That this infection is indeed the source, doubt the experts: After all, what is known so far, it is unlikely to become infected via contaminated fish with Sars-CoV-2. “Currently, there are no cases in which it is proven, that people through consumption of contaminated food with the novel Coronavirus have been infected,” writes, for example, the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR).

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Virus outbreak in Beijing: “more Likely that an Infected person has coughed on the cutting Board or the salmon”

Similarly, Friedemann Weber, Director of the Institute for Virology at the University of Giessen sees. “Imported salmon has spread the Virus is highly unlikely,” he explains in an interview with FOCUS Online. “It is more likely that an Infected person has coughed on the cutting Board or the salmon. And the crowds that stroll through the Chinese markets, it is for the Coronavirus Easy to multiply rapidly.“

Also the experts from the BfR to keep it according to the current state of knowledge, for “it is unlikely that import Goods such as food (…) could be a source of infection with the novel Coronavirus”. Because corona viruses cannot multiply in food. For this you need a living animal or human host. Only if you inject in the cells, you can use this to reproduce and an infection trigger.

the First Reports of the newly discovered Virus is to be – according to a preliminary sequencing of the Genstamms, unlike the guy who had searched the country before home. This was reported by Zeng Guang, an epidemiologist of the health Ministry, on Sunday, the “Global Times”. The results of this sequencing should now be used to analyses from other countries compared, in order to determine the origin. More to the Coronavirus

adapted Already in “perfect,” Sars-CoV-2 has no reason to mutate

The old assumptions re-flare up, that Sars could be mutated CoV-2, to become a more aggressive Virus more have. But there is currently “no evidence”, such as the Giessen virologist Weber appeased. On the contrary, There is no reason at all for the new Coronavirus to mutate: “It is adapted perfectly, it spreads wonderfully”.

Because the only reason for a Virus to mutate, is that it wants to adapt to the circumstances, to be able to more and more spread. The Sars-CoV-2, but already very well, so there is no reason for the Virus to mutate, or to become more aggressive.

That is the Virus outbreak on the Xinfadi market to another variant of Sars-CoV-2, as it was previously known in China, could be the result, according to Weber, the fact that it is, perhaps, sprung from a new intermediate host: “The case of zoonotic viruses very often.” Similarly, it was the first Sars epidemic ended.

most likely is that Sars-CoV-2 comes from bats. These are the other (Corona) viruses. “There are very many species of bats,” says Weber, “and, accordingly, many different viruses, which can jump to humans.”

That the virus is mutating, according to the virologists, a “normal process”. They adapt to the circumstances, to be able to maximum spread. Currently, the conditions for Sars-CoV-2 to be so good that it will have to mutate.

the effect also works Vice versa: Covid-19 could be in the future functioning of the ordinary runny nose

This effect, but also Vice versa: By keeping distance and hygiene rules, we could Sars bring-CoV-2 to mutate so that it will carrier. Then it could be that it is slowly increasing, but longer in the body but in lesser amounts. As a result, we achieve a similar image as in the case of ordinary cold-corona viruses, as well as Charité-chief virologist Christian Drosten already stated.

Drosten said in the NDR Podcast that Sars-CoV-2, to can for as long as possible to survive could be to mutate, that it lingers mainly in the nose, to be optimally adapted to the Survival in the people to adapt: “But in the nose, we are not too sick of it. That is to say, the Whole thing is in the long term, a runny nose, no longer interested in the lungs at all. Something like this could happen.“

it is Often also expressed the fear of a mutated Virus to ensure that a possibly soon-developed vaccine will lose its effect and we would have to leave us so regularly against the Virus is to vaccinate. “Maybe the Virus will mutate, perhaps the vaccinations may have to be adapted – but it will establish itself, most likely, similar to the flu virus,” explains the virologist.

In any case, you should not interpret to much in the outbreak at the Beijing food market: it is a mutant, even more aggressive Coronavirus, was extremely unlikely, soothes Weber.

in Wuhan fruit has been a market with the sea, where wild animals had been sold as a possible origin of the outbreak of the lung disease Covid-19 suspected of the spread since then throughout the world. More than seven million infections worldwide have been counted more than 400,000 people have died.

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