Within a day would have been infected worldwide 292.000 people, informed the WHO on Friday evening. Most of the new cases in North, Central and South America, with a total of 172.000. In Brazil, most of the cases of all the States were counted (a total of 69,000). Thereafter, the United States (65.000) follow. Among all the countries around the world, India stands out, with 55,000 new infections. In Europe, 25,000 new infections were registered. Many of them in Spain, with 2800.

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a year and A half after declaring a emergency of international concern, was discussed on Friday, a technical Committee of the WHO. The approximately 30 independent experts who advise the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the proclamation of the emergency, meet on a rotational basis to the Corona location. The possible results of their meeting were not initially known. Angler draws huge underwater creature from the lake of Constance PCP Angler draws huge underwater creature from the lake Constance
