As Jean-Michel Blanquer, Olivier Véran was this Monday in the media to de-mine the land after the announcements of Emmanuel Macron. The minister of Health has made a particular point on the progress of the epidemic of coronavirus in France. According to him, ” the bulk of the epidemic is behind us “. It has, however, clarified that the fight was not finished, on LCI.

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” The virus has not completed its circulation in the territory “, and this ” does not mean that we stop facing the virus “, explained Olivier Véran, recalling that measures barriers and other restrictions remained in force.


” We are continuing the testing and contact tracing [search for people in contact with confirmed cases, ED] “, and it is always necessary to ” avoid the grouping together of several people in a closed setting “, he warned, recalling that bans gatherings of more than 10 people on the public highway and large events (over 5,000 people) remained in force.

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While the government has been able to alleviate as restrictions since the beginning of the déconfinement, “we will be able to take protective measures if necessary,” according to a ” battery of indicators that we follow day-to-day “, he stressed.