The regional government of Andalusia (PP and Citizens) has been appointed to the medical family Trinidad Lettuce is the new coordinator of the Strategy of Sexual and Reproductive Health. Lettuce is director of the Secretariat for the Persecuted Christians of the Diocese of Córdoba, whose bishop, Demetrio Fernández, has been very belligerent against abortion that has the label of “abominable crimes” and “massacre of innocents”, in addition to define as the “atomic bomb” the ideology of gender. The Office investigated in 2016 the bishop for a possible offence of incitement to hatred, but shelved the investigation.


Ceases, the manager of the andalusian Health after a wave of protests, The director andalusian Health care, on abortion: “it’s easy to reach and the chupetón”

The minister of Health, Jesús Aguirre, a family physician from Córdoba, al like Lettuce, and responsible for his appointment, he said last June about abortion in the public health system that “it’s easy to reach and the chupetón”, in allusion to the method employed for the interruption of pregnancy. This Friday, Aguirre has pointed out on Lettuce: “It has positioned itself on the theme of defence of the unborn”. The party of ultra-Vox, which supports with their votes at the andalusian Government, imposed that the ministry of Health added to his name “and Families” and has reminded on several occasions its opposition to the interruption-free pregnancy. In parallel, the Board created last month to award a prize to the family who have more sons or daughters.

Lettuce has led voluntarily the Secretariat for the Persecuted Christians —who works for the organization Aid to the Church in Need— during the last five years and now will lead the strategy of the andalusian Government, without firm or extra income outside of your salary as a medical, advanced Infolibre. “That is catholic or has terminated is not relevant in the face of the appointment. She knows perfectly what to do, what are the lines of work of this counseling and what is going to do perfectly,” said Aguirre. Lettuce has refused to make statements to THE COUNTRY.

The secretary general of the PSOE, Susana Díaz, has called the designation of Lettuce as “the first appointment of the ultra-right in Andalusia”, “you have the frying pan by the handle”, in allusion to which their votes are needed for PP and Citizens to achieve a majority in the Parliament. “It sends a clear message when it gets to the front of the reproduction assistance to those who openly manifested against abortion and the free decision about motherhood for women,” said Diaz, reports Europa Press.

The spokesperson Ahead of Andalusia, Angela Aguilera, has the label of “absolute irresponsibility” to put at the front of the policy reproductive health in Andalusia “someone who defends the principles of the bishopric of Cordoba, as to qualify the abortion killing of the innocent, ( … ) The appointment leaves many women at the feet of the horses.”

Meanwhile, the spokesman of Vox in the andalusian Parliament, Alejandro Hernández, has emphasized that it expects that Lettuce “is consistent with what has been defending” against abortion. “In many cases, especially on the part of the PP, a thing is what it says and then another very different is what is done (…) we’re Not going to ask you to act against the law, although there are policies that can impact positively on the culture of life”.

The Strategy of Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Board of andalucia has been focused towards the adolescent population to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as the prevention of aids in populations that are at risk of contagion, or the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. The dissemination has been carried out in collaboration with the Andalusian Institute of the Woman and the Andalusian Institute of the Youth and NGOS, through lines of aid, whose funding the ministry of Health has not clarified. It remains to be seen if the appointment of Lettuce will mean a change of direction in this strategy of the Board.