Who sleeps out on the weekend and instead of a Breakfast happy around noon on Brunch, should now sit up and take notice. Because a current study on the “Eat jet lag” does not imply that the strong displacement of the meals has only negative consequences for the figure, but also the health and can damage. (Also read: Intuitive eating: With this method you will get your feel-good weight without dieting)

study of the “Eat jet lag”: The BMI increases with deviations from the normal rhythm

It is not always easy to take the rhythm from the work week to the weekend: You sleep longer, the sport units are exposed to and also the meals will move, every hour to the rear. However, it is worthwhile to maintain a little more discipline. A in March 2020 study published by the University of Barcelona (UB) led to the result that irregularities of the meal times on the weekend in direct connection with the increase of the Body Mass Index (BMI). This connection is referred to by the Spanish Team of researchers as “Eating jet lag”.

study leader, Maria Izquierdo-Pulido explains the principle: “This difference has to do with our biological clock. This organizes our body, so that he understands the during the day, calories consumed and reacted.” Normally, the body equips itself then in the late evening and into the night for hours without food during sleep. “If the food is well taken but to an unaccustomed hour, and can interact with the nutrients on the molecular machinery and metabolic function of the body to change,” says Pulido. Dr. Trinitat Cambras, Co-author of the study, adds: “Our biological clock works like a machine that gets the same physiological and metabolic reaction to every day of the week at the same time of the day.”

“Eat jet lag”: what is the displacement it is risky?

on the Basis of regular meal times during the week of more than 1,100 young adults aged 18 to 22 years, the researchers compared those with whom at the weekend and put the results in connection with the BMI. The result: With an average of about two hours shift in the morning play was pronounced jet-lagged the most. At lunch, the rhythm shifted by about an hour. The dinner, however, was taken only about half an hour later.

Those study participants who ate on Saturday and Sunday, at other times, as they did usually in the week, on meadows, according to the study, a higher BMI, and thus also at a higher risk for Obesity. However, really significant, the value rose only as of a regular shift of more than 3.5 hours. (Also interesting: Is a Cheat Day really make sense?)

How to prevent the negative impact on the best?

Clearly, on the weekend you want, you can hate the rules and fixed times. Just a spontaneous decision to make the break from everyday life so pleasant. But at least the eating and sleeping times, you should keep a little of the habits of the working week. Because this has a positive effect on the functioning of the body – for example, on the metabolism and hormone production. “People with a greater change in your schedule therefore have a higher risk for obesity,” said Dr. Cambras.

The authors make it clear in your publication that the health and well-being depended to a large extent of the regularity of the meals. Also, for people who suffer from Obesity, may be to Adhere to fixed meal times is a help for weight reduction.

This article from (GQ.de)

*The contribution of “study “Eat jet lag”: As regular meals” are important was written and published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.