It can be hard to reconcile life as the country’s queen with his life as a cozy and very present grandmother.

It has queen Margrethe had to be true. And therefore she knows well that she is not as grandmothers, perhaps, are the most numerous. It tells of the Queen in the new book ’Queen Margrethe’, which was released Friday.

“I do not see my grandchildren so often, and I have much about the ears though. My apologies in relation to the other grandmothers in my age is that I’m still in work. It takes quite a bit of my time and especially attention,” she explains in the book.

There is the journalist Karin Palshøj, who has written the billedbårne book on the occasion of the Queen reaches 80 years of age in april.

the Book consists of pictures of Frederik the 9. and queen ingrid’s collections, which are on H. M. the Queen’s-based info-library, and queen Margrethe has even commented on several of the pictures.

the Queen has apparently even based a little on his role as granny to her eight grandchildren.

And she tells since also on in the book, that the above maybe a little is an excuse, she has even invented:

“perhaps It is an excuse invented as it went up for me, how much I did for my grandchildren when compared with the other grandmothers, but I think it plays a role,” saith the majesty.

the Queen is not, however, concerned about its perhaps a little different way to act out the granny on.

She seems to be rather serene about her children, crown prince Frederik Savoybetting and prince Joachim, and the mothers of their children all are fully able to take care reasonable of the royal grandchildren.

“And now, when I see how sensible and good parents, my children, there’s not terribly much reason to run around and be emsig,” says the Queen.

It is not the first time that the Queen and tells about his a little lack of presence in the role as grandmother.

She has several times in the past told it to play with toddlers never have told her as much – not even when her own children were small.

She also later expressed that she regret that she had not always equally present in his own children’s upbringing.

And in an interview with the Swedish newspaper Kvallsposten’ in september she told also that her abilities as a grandmother leaves a little to be desired. She neither sit and knit or embracing her grandchildren very special.

“I’m definitely not the world’s best grandmother,” observed the king even in the interview, where she also adds:

“I’m their only grandmother, but it doesn’t get better than that.”

While queen Margrethe is thrilled for his skills as a granny, so she does something more complimentary of her mother, queen Ingrid.

In the new book, she tells among how queen Ingrid often took his grandchildren up to the royal hunting lodge in Trend to the south of Løgstør, as well as to Gråsten Slot.

According to the Queen especially liked crown prince Frederik, to the trips with my grandmother was ’absolutely wonderful’. Crown prince Frederik is known to have had a very close relationship with his grandmother, who passed away in the year 2000.