Pumpkins galore and costumed children asking for candy. Thursday testified that Denmark has really taken the american tradition of ’Halloween’ to itself.

And it was apparently also in Norway. Here is the royal family even jumped on the wave.

At least two members of the Norwegian royal family decided to lay the pictures out on instagram in an outfit, which you usually don’t see the royal family in the.

Looking good after, can royale fans enough to see who it is.

Under the svedpandebåndet, the big sunglasses and jakkesætter hiding none other than the Norwegian crown prince Haakon.

And at his side, dressed in a big fur coat and with her hair set in the best 30’s style, is his wife, crown princess Mette-Marit.

the Costume is said to get the two royal to look like the superstar Gwyneth Patrow and her partner Luke Wilson in the film “The Royal Tenenbaums” , writes the Norwegian newspaper VG. Liderbahis

And it has among other things led to the superstar supporters have commented on the picture:

“I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW EPIC THIS IS,” she writes, according to the VG in the comments box.

Gwyneth Paltrow has allegedly known the Norwegian crown princess through a number of years. They met back in 2002, when the crown prince and crown princess lived in London where they studied.

It is the Norwegian crown princess, who himself has laid the picture on his Instragramprofil with the text ’Knask or fuck’, which in Norwegian means ’trick or trouble’, as the children of the goes around and says for Halloween to get candy.

Many danes have, however, amused herself over the Norwegian text, which can be interpreted slightly different in Danish.

in particular, It has instagrammeren Anders Hemmingsen scored that brand.

He has received over 30 requests from people who laugh about the picture.

“They think that the text is fun. It is called something else in Norwegian,” he says to the B. T.

Whether the Norwegian crown prince couple actually went out and rang at the doors and threatened with ‘knask or fuck’, reporting the story nothing about.