Saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega-3, Omega-6: how to keep an Overview of which fats are healthy and which food you should better avoid? Fortunately, it is not so difficult to pay attention to healthy fatty acids – if you follow a few rules of thumb.

“Basically, once fatty acids are the essential components of any Fat,” says Iris Löhlein from the Arbeitskreis Omega-3 e. V. Depending on how the fatty acids are chemically constructed, a distinction is made between saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. (More on the topic of health, you can read here)

Unsaturated fatty acids are essential

Depending on your structure of the fatty acids have different properties. So the structure, for example, determines how liquid or solid a fat is. In addition, the structure has an influence on the effect of fats on the body. “Butter, fats in meats and solid vegetable fats for Frying and deep-frying, for example, are rich in saturated fatty acids and at room temperature,” says Löhlein. “They serve primarily as energy suppliers.”

Oils, so vegetable oil or fish oil are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and liquid at room temperature. The body needs unsaturated fatty acids. “From them, it forms a variety of substances such as hormones that have diverse effects,” says Löhlein. The body cannot produce these fatty acids on its own, but must obtain them through food. (As you can with proper nutrition, efficient exercise, read here)

The body is in need of three different Omega-3 fatty acids

To the unsaturated fatty acids, the Omega-3 fatty acids include. Due to their special chemical composition they belong to the polyunsaturated fatty acids. The body forms out of them the substances are for many operations is important. “Essentially, there are three Omega-3 fatty acids needed by the human being,” says Löhlein,

This is the so-called docosahexaenoic acid (abbreviated DHA) to eicosapentaenoic acid (abbreviated EPA) and alpha-linolenic acid (abbreviated ALA). “DHA and EPA, which fish mainly in fat-rich sea, occur in Krill and special culture of micro-algae, referred to as the biologically active Omega-3 fatty acids, which the body can use directly,” says the expert. ALA is, in turn, in seeds of plants such as Flaxseed, walnuts and canola. The body must convert it into the biologically active variants of EPA and DHA, which is done according to Löhlein usually only to a very limited extent of about five per cent. (Click here to read 7 facts about sugar you didn’t know yet)

What are Omega-3 fatty acids?

polyunsaturated fatty acids are important for the cell membranes in the body. “The long-chain Omega-3 fatty acid DHA is an important component of the human brain and the retina of the eye,” says Löhlein. “You membranes is responsible for the flexibility and permeability of the brain cell and thus the speed of communication.”

EPA and DHA unfold according to the expert, also protective effects for the cardiovascular System. A good supply of sink, therefore, increased Triglyceride levels in the blood as well as elevated blood pressure and can prevent a heart attack. EPA and DHA improved in addition, the blood flow and supply to all tissues and organs with oxygen and nutrients. “Many other health effects will be discussed in the science and researched,” says Löhlein. (Also interesting: So you recognize a lack of iron)

how Much fish to cover the needs of Omega-3?

The expert recommends to eat per week, two fish meals, to meet the needs of EPA and DHA, according to Löhlein at around 300 milligrams per day. One of these meals should consist of sea fish that is particularly rich in Omega-3. “Who doesn’t like fish, it is not compatible or simply too little of it to eat, for the high-quality fish oil can, Krill or algae oil capsules be an Alternative to achieve the recommended intake of EPA and DHA per day,” says Löhlein.

The German society for nutrition recommends, about 0.5 percent of the energy needs Omega-3 to cover fatty acids. Omega-6 fatty acids may represent, by contrast, about 2.5 percent of the energy needs. Most people eat much more Omega-6 fatty acids. “Therefore, it is advisable to change the oil in the kitchen to make,” says Löhlein. “You should prefer to use linseed oil, walnut oil and rapeseed oil, as well as the neutral olive oil, and resulting from the processing of Margarine.” (So chocolate can even help in Slimming)

a dietary Supplement may have been described in the stomach

a side-effect of taking Omega-3 supplements are hardly. There may come complaints, in some cases, Nausea and gastro-intestinal. Care should also be, those who cannot tolerate fish. In addition, Omega-3 may work in high doses of blood thinner. Therefore, in particular, people already taking blood thinning medication should take, not a food Supplement with Omega-3, without first with your doctor.

There are also vegetable oils that are enriched with DHA. “In Flax, walnut oil and rapeseed oil, ALA is abundant in our body but not to any significant extent to the biologically active Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, can convert,” says Löhlein. To supply EPA and DHA, ALA, am, therefore, very little. “These Oils are therefore a good complement to the fish consumption.” (Also read: Vitamin A: What you notice a lack of – and when it’s dangerous)

This article (Maria Berentzen)

*The post “Omega-3: These unsaturated fatty acids make you healthier and fitter” was written and published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.