you snooze, you lose. In this mundane life wisdom much truth in it – especially when it comes to muscles and joints. Who is young, has integrated Sport often as a matter of course in everyday life. However, with age, the people give the often. The is fatal.

Because with the third decade of life, it comes to a significant kink, explains Karl-Dieter Heller, chief physician of the Orthopedic clinic of Duchess Elisabeth Hospital. The muscles begins to reduce. Right here, it is to hold against.

The orthopedic surgeon is confident: “I can have good Training, even as a 70-year-old, yet the muscles of moderately trained 30-Year-old. Because of the healthy Old responds to stimuli in the same way as the healthy Boy.“

Who does nothing, loses his muscles. But: you can also quickly back to train.

muscles build rapidly from

from the age of 55 years the muscles build faster than before, from 70 very quickly. “That is to say, in the 70. The age of lost about 40 percent of the muscle mass if you do nothing,“ explains Heller. Consequently, strength, endurance and speed-strength wanes in people. Agility, coordination and balance, lack of assets, there is an increased risk of falling. If you do a Workout, then this Fat-burning program for 10 minutes FOCUS Online For people with little time: If you do a Workout, then this Fat-burning program for 10 minutes

So a lot of sports people in the age of An optimal exercise programme in old age, a combination of 60 percent cardio training would be 30 percent, training of the mobility , and agility, a 10 percent strength-endurance-Training (a combination of strength and endurance training with little Weights and many repetitions of the different muscle groups.

“a prerequisite for the intensive sports activity it is, of course, that it is medically harmless is to strain the circulatory system,” adds the joint expert. The pulse should not exceed certain limits. This is especially true for the Untrained. So strengthen your joints

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The biggest health effect of endurance training : three times per week for 45 minutes. As a result, each builds slowly but steadily muscles. You should want the strength training to Supplement, not make sure that they expire in a press breathing.

For muscle building recommends Brighter a gymnastics program. The agility training is important to keep the joints flexible. You make, for example, three times for 15 minutes per day, momentum, rotation or pendulum exercises. The coordination is excellent by games, Dancing, or other sports training.

The Train is not too> old, <p, The skeletal muscle can also be in any age to train, so that targeted Exercises can stop the loss of muscles and repent. Heller knows Experiments showed that Even anyone who is older than 90, can not re – build muscle-even if the one who achieved the Status of a 50-year-old.

“it is Essential that the older person remains active,” says the orthopedist. Regular exercise does not have to be there necessarily, but it should move every.

Avoid at least this inactivity traps, such as

  • escalators
  • lifts, and
  • treadmills.


  • you Go for shopping you would prefer to walk.
  • Use to ride the bike instead of the car.
  • apply sophisticated Hobbies: Hiking, swimming, dancing and gardening.

“That’s what every elderly person can and should dispense with technical tools,” explains Heller. The lawn mower should be pushed, if at all possible, and it must be a ride-on mower.

muscles and joints strengthen, to Falls to prevent

Sport and exercise in old age not only keep fit, but at the same time make a decisive contribution to the prevention of falls. Because older people frequently fall. The not more is due to the fact that your joints are not as stable. On the other hand, the muscles lose strength.

If this is true all along and the people too poor to see and hear, is it dangerous. That is, Brighter, according to: “for this reason, the aging Training and sports are of inestimable value just to Stop.” In the PCP In the buy Now or not? Who asks so, has not understood the most important stock exchange rule, FOCUS Online Now to buy or not? Who asks so, has not understood the most important stock exchange rule, In the PCP In the