Hagen, S., whose case is the “world” was reported by a Patient number 59 in Berlin. There are now in the capital more than 8,000 proven Corona cases. Those who have survived the infection, have antibodies. Your blood could help other Patients, may even save lives.

the 55-year-old Hagen S. wanted to do and enrolled at the Berliner Charité. In fact, the man turned out to be there as the ideal donor, as the newspaper reported. The final step is the actual donation of blood, was S. been sent back home after he had pointed out that he is gay.

“The doctor explained to me sober, that I’m, unfortunately, as a plasma donor, in spite of my Corona-history of the question, because I’m gay. Because I felt for the first Time in my life discriminated against. It was not a nice experience,” he said to the “world”.

Hagen S. had made by according to the report, in the spring, a medium-heavy infection, suffered from cough, fever, muscle pain and lack of sense of taste. Shortly before Easter, I called him, he could be on anti-body test, the result could be Use of science. “After that, I came up with the idea to take part in studies. I thought, if I had to make the crap already, it should at least have something Good. I wanted to help.“

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Highly-neutralizing levels of antibodies studied, anti body

Doctors at the Charité in his blood then in more detail on its composition. S. had developed a large amount of so-called IGG antibodies, was considered as an ideal donor.

Then S. had been asked to donate blood plasma to which he agreed. The blood tests had previously revealed that he suffered neither HIV, Hepatitis C or another sexually transmitted disease.

The Problem: donate To the applicable law, Gay, may, without Further blood. As S. pointed to his homosexuality, burst the donation in the end.

Where plasma donations like the one from Hagen. s. are currently looking for desperately. The Federal centre for health education, is calling their campaign “Simply save lives – donate blood!”, for example, explicitly so on, to donate to a Covid-19 infection in blood plasma. The Plasma contained antibodies that could help seriously ill Covid-19-patients. The in the blood plasma antibodies will be transfused to the Patients either directly TRANS or the plasma donation is used, the antibody to enrich further. Thus, clinicians can produce highly concentrated preparations.

Gay men only donations are allowed, if you have a year of no Sex

is not Yet allowed many Gay men to donate. The scheme dates back to the 80s. At the time, the grass, the HI-Virus is categorized among Homosexuals, 30 years was not allowed to donate blood. Meanwhile, HIV as a controllable infection, in the case of donations of blood will be investigated anyway to diseases. However, the legislature had amended the scheme, only that Gays be allowed to donate blood – but only if they had previously waived for a whole year to have Sex with men. Sex with a woman is, however, not a Problem.

According to the doctors ‘ newspaper, Minister of health, Jens Spahn could understand the criticism of the blood donation ban to be “good”. He wanted to work together with the competent institutions on a solution. This must be ensured that the risk of infection during the blood donations will continue to be minimized, but at the same time many of the blood donation will make it possible to. “The theme I see, and we are in the conversation,” says Spahn.

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