After the massive Corona outbreak at the meat company Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück apply in the district of Gütersloh, in North Rhine-Westphalia Tuesday to back tough restrictions on the private as well as public life. Meetings and walks are allowed only with persons of one’s own household or a maximum of two other persons, fitness studios, saunas, Bars and museums are again tightly. Schools and day-care centres had already been before the promulgation of the lock downs will be closed.

The Giessen Professor of Virology Friedemann Weber had not predicted the massive Intervention of the Laschet government on Monday in an interview with FOCUS Online, a way past the temporary Lockdown of at least the circle he saw. He also called for the need for comprehensive testing in employees of the abattoir and their contact persons, possible chains of Infection to trace and effectively to breaking.

virologist called NRW-Lockdown overdue – and> might short <p This assessment is renewed by the virologist on Tuesday afternoon: The Lockdown in Gütersloh was right, but he'll be late. In the case of regional clusters of contagions it is, therefore, important to act quickly "and not long rumzudiskutieren," complained he. In Gütersloh, exactly, it was not done from his point of view. The infection of the Lockdown numbers were already too high for too long, overdue. "The Virus is like an annoying representative; if you don't hit the door fast enough, he already has the foot in it," says Weber of his evaluation.

“are rising Everywhere there, where the Infection, you must intervene; the faster and harder the better for the infection to happen”

Similar to the infection Loge Christoph Spinner, a senior physician at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, see the. With FOCUS Online, he explains: “the experience of The first wave, only to take decisive and timely Action can control the spread.” Otherwise, there is, especially in regards to the upcoming holiday period, which was associated with more activity, very quickly, the risk of further spread. Hesitation could have fatal consequences.

Laschet decision was “courageous”

the first, only for a week, agreed duration of the now adopted lock downs up to 30. June virologist Weber considers to be doubtful: “I would have said, there must be at least two weeks. This is the standard time for the quarantine. And the Lockdown basically means nothing else than that a whole County is under quarantine,“ explains the virologist. “Therefore, I find it surprising that you think that, after a week everything is regulated again.”

Although it had already been given to measures to contain the infection action, closing the school closings. “The Lockdown is just so short to hold on for, I think, but brave.”

To the Person

Friedemann Weber is a Professor for Virology and Director of the corresponding Institute at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen. There, he researches, among other things, to Corona – and influenza viruses.

As the reason for the first, only a relatively short projected duration of the restrictions, the Professor looks less epidemiological considerations as a political compromise. Whether there will be more lock downs in neighboring regions, considered Weber, therefore, is also questionable and depends on far more than the numbers. “It was definitely a struggle for the Lockdown. Whether there will be further, in addition to the politicians will decide,“ he explains. That it should enter from a scientific point of view but, “if you can see, there is again a Clustering of cases,” was not in dispute.

virologist calls for quick and hard Intervention

“wherever the Infection levels locally rise rapidly, you must intervene; the faster and harder the better,” says Weber happen – “for the Infection, not for the person Concerned. This is perfectly clear,” he warns. For as many disciplines of reasonable compromise solutions are, however, important to keep the infection happen permanently in the handle.

“The Virus lies in wait and uses every weakness. You can therefore only appeal to the population that it continues to adhere to the rules.“

the Lockdown Threatens Germany now?

The risk of a second lock downs, which could in the future apply only to the district of Gütersloh, but the country as a whole, doesn’t see Weber as yet, however. Thus, the number of infections with the new Coronavirus is growing again; across the Board but by Far not as extreme as in the North Rhine-Westphalian Hotspot.

Nevertheless, the virologist, hopes that the local Lockdown many that are dealt with in the past few days and weeks may be too casual with the Virus, the risk of a further spread before the eyes. “The Virus lies in wait and uses every weakness. You can therefore only appeal to the population that it continues to adhere to the rules.“

abattoirs offer corona virus everything you need

in Particular for abattoirs, he applied, because they provide the Virus an optimal environment for Propagation and “an infection scenario, The air is Textbook”: “cold and damp. The virus particles are stabilised; they live so simply longer. And due to the cold weather, people tend to have more of a rough neck, the immune system works so well because parts of the body such as, for example, the nose will not bleed through so well.“

in Addition, there were many battle stations, loud and hectic, the time for each step in the process, almost, the same as the distance between the employees. “This means a lot of Stress. If it hangs in there somewhere at one point, I can well imagine that someone calls the other time: go faster. By the cry of an enormous number of virus particles in the air, ten to a hundred times more than normal.“


  • All of the developments to the Virus outbreak in the case of Tönnies and the gütersloh-based Lockdown, you can read here.
  • The latest News on Corona-crisis in the world, you can find here.

to Aggravate matters, many of the temporary workers and for part only very limited time in the meat industry, space activities; move from one place to the next. Live often accommodation in the community. “All the conditions are perfect for the Virus.” Even proper hygiene measures such as the consistent use of the mouth, nose and coverings could not bind to the risk of contagion under these circumstances entirely, says Weber.

“many infected people spread sets for some time near”

infections Loge Spinner adds: “The current outbreak shows very clearly how easy it is to Sars-CoV-2 without a corresponding Regulation (social Distancing, MNS, etc.) can spread. It is also possible that environmental conditions, such as the working Together of people in a limited area without a mouth, nose covering in a damp, cold environment, significant impact on the spread.“ is The large number of infected people nearby according to him, a (unnoticed) propagation for some time.

Incorrect Corona-testing of cattle?

courses As bovine corona can carry the virus in itself, in the network a first of all, adventurous-sounding Thesis: Current Corona Tests could also be due to other bovine corona virus falsely positive, as you to be able to move in close contact with the slaughterhouse employees from animals to humans. This danger virologist Weber does not see.

Two reasons speak against it: on the one Hand, the original from the Berlin Charité in Berlin headed by Christian Drosten of a Test on the novel Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 consists of three sub-tests; the smear is scanned in three different Genschnipsel. “All three have random Matches with a bovine Coronavirus, is very unlikely.”

on the Other hand, the Test had been designed specifically for the new Coronavirus and not tested, so that it abuts on other corona viruses as Sars-CoV-2 layer. “Corona viruses, which are found in cattle, are evolutionarily much more distant from Sars-CoV-2 than other human coronaviruses. Therefore, I consider wrong Tests due to bovine corona virus is out of the question.“ In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In the

abattoirs to fire accelerators might be like

abattoirs should remain with the Professor to remain on the top of the Corona-Radar of society and politics. Otherwise, you could become a fire accelerators in the Corona of a pandemic. Identified the health Department, a Corona of infection, would need to be closed, the respective operation, therefore, immediately and all employees will be tested. Also in FOCUS Online in the