Although the Corona pandemic spreads since the beginning of the year, there is still ambiguity about how high the death rate is. This number is the proportion of deceased among all Infected, and it differs from country to country very clear.

an investigation of A German-American team of researchers comes to the conclusion that, in particular, the age differences of the tested persons for this country might be specific differences, the basic. The report in the journal “Annals of Internal Medicine”.

ten Times as high Covid-19-mortality rate in Italy, as in Germany,

The researchers Nikkil Sudharsanan, University of Heidelberg looked at data from China, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland and the USA. You all confirmed Covid-19-cases to 19. April 2020 in its investigation, with a. In total, more than 1.2 million people. In a second step, the scientists also compared the mortality rate in 95 countries.

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your result: The mortality rate difference in the countries is very strong, with

  • 9.3 per cent in Italy
  • 7.4 per cent in the Netherlands
  • 6 percent in Spain
  • 1.6 percent in South Korea
  • 1.2 per cent in the US
  • 0.7% in Germany.

That would mean that, in Italy, almost every 10. Infected with a Sars-Cov-2 infection has died in Germany, but less than one in a hundred Sufferers.

This huge difference, the authors explain, in part, with the test structure in different countries. “An adjustment of the age distribution of the Covid-19-cases explains 66 percent of the differences between the countries,” the researchers write.

The death rate (CFR) or the ratio of the infected persons have died from the pathogen, in relation to the total number of Infected in one of several ways to calculate. The easiest way is to determine the proportion of the current deaths to the previously known infected persons. The CFR helps experts to assess how difficult a disease is to go. The higher the value is, the more severe the disease is classified.

For comparison: The swine flu of 2009, had Infected an estimated case fatality rate (death rate) of 0.01%, i.e., a deceased to 10,000. The mortality rate of flu is about 0.1 to 0.2 percent. In the case of Sars (2002/2003) experts from a lethality rate of 11 percent, in the case of Mers, even more than 30 percent.

Selective Test can differences explain part

it is Known that older people, 19 ill is often harder to Covid-than younger people. Therefore, the risk that, in countries with very many seniors, higher mortality rates than in countries in which mainly young people live.

The researchers Nikkil Sudharsanan come in their study to the conclusion that selective Testing could explain the differences. While in Italy, very many older people on Covid-tested 19, made in Germany, first of all, especially younger people a Test. To rectify this difference, out expected, the researchers of the age effect from their models. This led to a significantly more similar, though still not the same, death rate. More to the Coronavirus Corona-the danger Is by Breathing low? Harvard researchers doubt Aerosol hypothesis of pediatricians-in-chief promotes Opening: “the risk that schools are Hotspots, is low,” researchers decode the Corona of the Cluster and find out who are the super spreader! Chart analysis shows Which countries have Corona in the handle, and which do not explode infection numbers – why the Balkans is the probability of a sudden Europe Corona-Hotspot

“In the countries in which mostly people were tested with strong symptoms, high, to identify disproportionately many older Infected, which led to a higher observed mortality rate, as seen in the age-adjusted mortality rate,” write the scientists.

the researchers Attributed this effect, it compares the age-adjusted mortality rate, doubled in this example, in Germany to 1.5, while the Rate in Italy is lowered to 4.6, i.e. by more than half.

the advance Continued in both countries have the same age structure, calculated for Germany, a Rate of 1.3 for Italy, 3.9.

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What other factors cause the after the age adjusted calculation still-existing difference, can not tell the researcher so far. You assume, however, that the remaining variations among different healthcare systems and various health conditions are due in the respective population. The early identification of the Covid-19-the danger was critical, and how well the health system of the country was prepared. Vacation in Europe: What is a foreign Corona-Warning App brings? PCP holiday in Europe: What is a foreign Corona-Warning App brings?
