
  • The Corona-crisis in the Live-Ticker: All News and facts

The district-free city of Düsseldorf is the Rhine, the capital of Westphalia, and with 619.350 inhabitants, after Cologne, the second largest city in the country. In Germany, Düsseldorf is according to inhabitants the seventh largest city in.

these are the current Corona-Figures for the district-free city of Düsseldorf:

FOCUS Online the latest Figures shows, on the basis of the investigation by the Robert Koch Institute.

The latest Figures from the 25. May:

  • Infected persons: 1359
  • deaths: 30

The Figures from the 24. May:

  • Infected persons: 1331
  • deaths: 30

The daily updated map of Germany by the Robert-Koch Institute also shows at the County level, where the Coronavirus is widespread. The dark blue a County is colored, the more Covid-19 Patients per 100,000 inhabitants there are.

The current Figures for Germany

  • Confirmed Covid-19-cases: 180.328
  • deaths: 8283
  • Convalescent: 160.281

source: Johns-Hopkins-University


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