The Directorate of Public Health and Addiction the Department of Health has been informed by the company basque Pâtés Zubía SL that in the internal analysis made several batches of medallions of foie gras has detected the presence of Listeria monocytogenes. As a preventive measure, the company, in collaboration with Public Health, has advised all customers to remove from sale all of the products affected.

As reported by the Basque Government, the Services of Epidemiology do not have record of any case of listeriosis associated with the consumption of these products, despite the fact that maintaining a targeted surveillance against any suspected case. In this sense, has ensured that they are performing the research necessary to identify and resolve the source of this microbiological pollution. All indications are that it is a “contamination point” that has affected the medallions during the production process.

listeriosis has an incubation period variable, from three to 70 days, with a median of 21 days. “It is usually manifest as a febrile picture mild, but in people at risk such as pregnant women, immunosuppressed people can be severe,” said the official statement. A case close remember the listeria outbreak spread through Andalusia last summer, and left behind three deaths and seven abortions, some records that had ever yet been seen in Spain.


Andalusia figure at 1.5 billion euros in the health cost of the outbreak of listeriosis The meatloaf already does not triumph, nor in Christmas Health, removes products of a cheese guipuzcoana by listeria

The affected products are Medallion bloc duck 30% pieces 70 grams -lots 985, 988, 1009, and 1012-; Medallion duck foie gras micuit 75 grams -lots 986 and 1001-; Medallion bloc of duck foie gras 70 grams -lots 987, 1002, 1008, and 1013-; Medallion foie gras duck raisins 75 grams -batch 999, 1003, and 1010-; Medallion foie 70 grams -1000, 1004, 1007 and 1011-; and Medallion of duck foie gras micuit 50 grams -lots 353 and 354-.

The Department of Health recommends people you might have in your home the aforementioned products refrain from consume them, and return them to the point of purchase and in case you have symptoms after eating these products, go to your health center. This information has been communicated through the Coordinated System for the Rapid Exchange of Information on the Network of National Alert (SCIRI), the Spanish Agency of Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) and the competent authorities of the Autonomous Communities where it has been marketed these products.