After the hydroalcoholic gel and disposable masks, another essential product in the fight against the epidemic of coronavirus becomes increasingly rare : the gloves. France Info has collected the testimonies of health professionals worried.

In question, including, ” PCR tests at home [which] will accelerate “, according to Jean-Michel Elvira, a former president of the Onsil, the national Organization of trade unions of nurses liberals. The latter warns elsewhere : “If we no longer have gloves, we will stop to do PCR tests. “And they add :” Our usual suppliers are out of stock and the prices explode. “The nurse also details that he used to buy gloves at a price that is” between four and five euros per box of 100. Today, they cost between 13 and 15 euros… When you find them. “

Read also Why the price of the mask has been multiplied by 19 from the health crisis

The risk of a “misuse of gloves”

The authorities have also seen this shortage coming. The Directorate-general of health (DGS) refers to an ” increase of the consumption, between five and 20 times the normal demand, depending on the type of PPE (personal protective equipment) “. On the side of producers, the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (Margma), a grouping of manufacturers of rubber gloves in malaysia, which produces about 20 % of the latex gloves sold in the world, anticipates an increase of 20 % of the global demand.

In France, the DGS requested the French Society of hospital hygiene (SF2H) so that it sets out a series of ” measures of use of gloves to be put in place in the event of a shortage “, according to Dr Bruno Grandbastien, president of the SF2H. The doctor states that ” the achievement of a PCR test is a gesture that requires the wearing of gloves, because there is a contact with the nasal mucosa. Just like blood “. However, “it is not helpful to wear gloves for the care of a patient or resident of a long-term care-for example,” he recalls. “A misuse of gloves single use contributes to increase the risk of autocontamination. The use of friction hydro alcoholic is to focus on “, warning the president of the SF2H.

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