what it will look like the France of after ? How will evolve the epidemic and how can we learn to live with the coronavirus ? With the confinement mass of the population for several weeks, the country lived through a time unprecedented in its history. An experience that it will be impossible to reproduce, according to Jean-François Delfraissy, president of the scientific council, which is expressed in the columns of the Parisian.

Whereas the scientific council has launched its seventh report since the beginning of the crisis of the coronavirus, a specialist in immunology spreads in effect entirely on this option, even in the case of a possible second wave. “Whatever happens, we will not be able to redo a containment widespread in France. The first time, it was essential, we had no choice, but the price to pay is too heavy. The population would not accept him certainly not, the economic consequences would be major, and, even from a health point of view, this is not desirable. Don’t forget that outside of the Covid, there were all the other patients who have had delayed diagnosis during this period “, points out Jean-François Delfraissy.

also Read The 7 lessons of our 7 weeks of containment

cities could be put under bell “

The problem, as has the doctor, it is that, even if the virus is ” controlled “, it continues to circulate. “His intensity is lower, but it has not disappeared. “”Where it was roughly several tens of thousands of cases, around 80 000 new cases per day at the beginning of march before confinement, it is estimated that there is now around 1,000 cases, almost” said Jean-François Delfraissy at the microphone of France Inter.

In this regard, the scientific council is called to prepare for the ” four scenarios “. Each with different parameters, depending on the intensity of the recovery of the epidemic. In the absence of containment generalized, strong measures could be taken locally. “Cities could be put under bell for a limited time “, ahead of Jean-François Delfraissy, in Paris. Specific measures could also be implemented in the long-term care facilities to protect older persons.

Read also Déconfinement : the big taboo of the age

Consult our folder : Coronavirus : the world stop

writing will advise you

Sébastien Le Fol – When the French will awake… Vaccine against the Covid-19 : words of guinea pigs “I think that there will be no second wave this summer or in the fall” Kervasdoué – political Reason, scientific reason ” If the epidemic takes, it’s going to be very complicated “