Russia would have topped the pole laboratories around the world ? The country has developed the “first” vaccine against the coronavirus, said, Tuesday, August 11, the Russian president during a videoconference, ensuring that he gave a ” lasting immunity “.

In the weeks leading up to this announcement, foreign scientists have expressed their concern at the rapidity of the development of such a vaccine and the WHO had called for the respect of the “guidelines and clear guidelines” regarding the development of this type of products.

“I know that it is quite effective.”

” This morning, for the first time in the world, a vaccine against the new coronavirus has been recorded “, said Vladimir Putin, adding : “I know that it is quite effective, as it gives a lasting immunity. “The president has even said that one of his daughters was to inoculate the vaccine. “She has participated in the experience,” he said, claiming that she had a little temperature, ” and that’s all.”

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This vaccine will be put into circulation on 1 January 2021, according to the national register of medicines of the ministry of Health, consulted by the press agencies of russia. Russia had assured in recent weeks the production next of thousands of doses of vaccine against the new coronavirus, and “several million” at the beginning of the next year.

The world health Organization has responded by advocating for the respect of the protocols and regulations in force in the development of a vaccine anti-Covid-19. Russia has been working on for months, like many other countries in the world, on several vaccine projects against the Covid-19. The one developed by the centre Gamaleïa is in collaboration with the ministry of Defence.

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