The average age of the German Corona-patient drops. An Infected in April, the average was 52 years old, he is only 36 years old. This is evident from the current report of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

at the same time, the number of young patients between the ages of 18 and 25 years of age has tripled, the hospitals in the USA are hospitalized. Canada warns explicitly young adults to see themselves as the Virus is invulnerable. We have underestimated the danger of the Sars-CoV-2 for young people so far, perhaps?

Covid-19: Young infected so far, often below the RKI-radar

epidemiologist Ralf Reintjes this question in the negative. “The cases at the beginning of the epidemic were only the absolute tip of the iceberg, we have seen”, says he in an interview with FOCUS Online. “People with strong symptoms were primarily Older.” Many of the young patients showed no or hardly any signs of the disease. “We have you overlooked in the beginning, because only has been tested, who had symptoms and direct contact to a Person with proven infection. Therefore, it is relatively logical that we, when we now more, and regardless of symptoms test, more Young among the Infected to observe,“ explains the Professor of the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg.

RKI management report, The percentage of Corona-Infected in Germany by age group RKI, the management report, The Covid-19-cases according to gender, including the average age and the proportion of treated in a hospital and patients who died

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this development will rules increase the meantime of the, especially in younger age groups increasingly lax in dealing with the Corona. For many, the need for community seems to weigh a relaxed evening with friends in the Park, meanwhile, is heavier than the fear of the Virus. Many meetings are not only more people, but also distance and Hygiene grinding. Infections are often the result.

epidemiologist Reintjes concerned about this Trend for two reasons:

1. Infected without symptoms are driving the pandemic.

“spread Ever more the Virus among young people, the stronger and more diverse, it is spread in the society,” explains the Professor.

Because Young people can share in the rule, on the one hand, more social contacts to whom the Virus more than older. On the other hand, you may not notice an infection, given the absence of symptoms often, and not to isolate also. More and more people get increases, however, the number of serious disease processes.

2. Asymptomatic prevent clear Overview of infections.

“the fewer The symptoms of the Infected, the less Overview we have about who is really infected”, further describes Reintjes. Measures can be used because it gives less of a target, assessments of the current situation are less realistic.

is Why the average age of the Covid-19-patients continue to fall

The epidemiologist assumes that the total number of infections is expected to rise in the coming days and weeks, probably be back significantly and the average age of the Infected continue to fall.

responsible for: the Opening of the schools. “This will in future be increasingly affected very young people, the previously intensively protected and out of the infection happen to have been kept out,” says Reintjes. “They are now exposed increasingly to the Expo. The average age will go significantly down,“ he predicts.

Also, regional changes in new infections

not only demographically the Corona situation is changing in Germany, regional infection shifts to happen. Instead of clear of an outbreak cluster are attributable to infections with the RKI reports for a few weeks, more and more infections in more and more counties. The situation was diffused, to get Transfers, it is “everywhere”, has recently emphasised the RKI Department head of Ute Rexroth – in the case of family celebrations, Meetings with friends, in the office, in homes for the elderly, such as community accommodation.

“is The number of white counties, with a few cases in the last few weeks, declined sharply,” confirms epidemiologist Reintjes. Especially the resorts on the German Baltic sea coast has continued since the beginning of the holiday season rising infections.

RKI management report The distribution of new infections over the past seven days (as of: 10.08.20) RKI management report For comparison: The distribution to counties at the beginning of the holiday season (as of: 26.05.20)

the Figures for Germany are so far still at a manageable level. “But the Corona-map has already become very yellow,” analyzes Reintjes – and much earlier than it had epidemiologists, predicted up to now.

“It was expected that the infection numbers in September or October due to the climatic changes and the changed behaviour will attract,” explains the Professor. “The fact that you can now find in July and August the way to the top, is, therefore, already a matter of concern.” In particular, if in addition to thousands of spectators will be discussed in football stadiums and concert halls, as he emphasized. “This does us no favours. Right now, where we don’t see the effect of the re-opened schools can.“ This is only an estimate of four to six weeks, seriously.

epidemiologist warns of new relaxations

Further relaxations to the epidemiologist is, therefore, critical. Although, it was understandable that people were crowding in the stadiums, on holiday, the children want to look back in the schools, and care facilities.

“If we open it up, then the Numbers will increase in the coming weeks, so strong that we can control it only with difficulty,” he warns. “Therefore, we should now be much more careful, as there are many young people are.” Imagine yourself in a false sense of security, has consequences – not only for you but for all. This speech has no-one expected! ARD-man irritated Corona-“cross-thinkers” FOCUS Online/Wochit This speech no one expected! ARD-man irritated Corona”lateral thinker” heavy rain, hail and Thunderstorms: Where is it on Tuesday dicey PCP will rain heavily, hail and Thunderstorms: Where is it on Tuesday tough that is