The measures against the Coronavirus, go back gradually, and also the new infections are relatively low – however, this success affects the risk perception of the people.

they feel that they are still troubled by the Coronavirus and less concerned about their physical health than the economic Situation.

this is the result of the survey of the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) under the 1,015 respondents. “The last few weeks have made us breathe a sigh of relief,” explains Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel, President of BfR.

“most people don’t currently think they are directly threatened by the Virus.”

Hardly any concern among the German

is The Coronavirus currently, there is no reason to anxiety the majority of the respondents feel the Virus is not worried. Only 19 percent are worried about their economic Situation.

especially young people between the ages of 14 and 39 years (26 percent).

The easing measures also affect the social relations: Only 13 percent of respondents feel a lack of contact worried.

one’s own physical and mental health prepares the human the least of your Worries. Only 13 percent currently see a risk to your body.

One reason for the calm mood among the people could be the high amount of information: Around 65 per cent indicate that they feel well informed.

But the reporting is not always necessarily appropriate. 39 percent of the respondents take the reports to the Coronavirus as the exaggerated true.

The majority (57 percent) considered them as appropriate.

spacing rules appropriate as a closed day-care centres

The measures, which were drawn up by the government to curb the Coronavirus, meetings among the people on acceptance.

Particularly, the distance rules to other people viewing the respondents as appropriate (88 percent).

However, with 87 per cent also acknowledged the limited travel activities as an important measure.

a Little less understanding to show the respondents for the contact constraints as a measure against the Coronavirus. Around 29 per cent of you feel is not appropriate.

Even more, this assessment for the closed schools and daycare centers is Approximately 36 percent perceive this approach as not appropriate – but overall, the acceptance of all the measures predominates.

Hardly hoarding or food deliveries

Everyone is able to contribute to the spread of the Coronavirus’ curb, by adhering to the existing policies and recommendations.

The covering of the mouth and the nose is among the respondents, the most common self-measure (94 percent).

However, 92 percent of the participants keep a distance to other people or pay attention to a thorough cleaning of the hands (90 percent).

most people wear gloves or storage stockpiles. Also, the delivery of food, to not leave the house, is in great demand among the participants of the survey less: Only nine per cent used special delivery services.

contagion> still present <p, The people are not alarmed and follow the mitigation measures of the government – yet, you do not feel completely safe.

Only 41 percent of the respondents indicate that they can safely protect against infection with the Coronavirus. The majority (59 percent) feel only partly or not at all safe.

The biggest contagion risk for the respondents other people present in a surrounding environment (63 percent). But doorknobs or cash traps are potential sources of Infection for the respondents.

Only the clothing (74 percent) and Pets (77 percent) consider the most as risk-free.

Michelle Steinmetz

*The article “Coronavirus: German are not alarmed, but cautious” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
