The spectre of a second wave of the Covid-19 continues to threaten France. In the Face of this fear, the government has made provisions, among which are : the port of the mask extended to the Champs-Élysées, or even an increased surveillance during the pilgrimage to Lourdes. On BFM TV, the professor Xavier Lescure, a specialist in infectious diseases at the hospital Bichat spoke of a ” very worrying situation “. “As a citizen, I’m afraid, I’m not sure that we found the” world before “, he stated.

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The doctor fears a “second wave much longer, with more impact on the economic, cultural, global,” while the United Kingdom has just ordered 14 days of isolation for travelers arriving from France. An indicator of particular concern : the number of cases of coronavirus is on the rise again. 2 846 in 24 hours recorded Friday, a new record since may, the month of the déconfinement. An effect of mass screening in course, but not only, since the positivity rate in the population steadily increases.

The avenue des Champs-Élysées in question

This trend led to a proliferation of preventive measures taken by the authorities. Even if for the moment the number of daily deaths is a far cry from the dark times (18 in the last 24 hours, 30 406 in total since the beginning of the epidemic), and that the situation in the icu is stable (367 cases, or seven less in 24 hours). The obligation of wearing a mask in the outside stretches on a daily basis. Since Saturday morning, a part of the Champs-Elysées, the area around the Louvre museum and Batignolles, are now concerned. These areas were not included up here, so that some of the streets of the capital are subject to this practice since Monday morning.

On the Champs-Élysées, deprived of tourists, to the extent not yet known) divides the onlookers. “In the places are closed, I do not say but in the street, it’s ridiculous,” says Olivier Robbé, in promenade with his girlfriend, both of them caught, refusing to ” live in fear “. “It’s still an avenue frequented by a lot of people “, note, however, Emelyne Rodrigues de Jesus, a student of rennes coming for the weekend. “It should be made mandatory in all of Paris “, she advocates.

“We’ve done a first bet”

A measure that the authorities are considering, for that matter. “It has made a first wager, and that is to stick to the dense areas ; if it doesn’t work, we will extend this obligation) on all Paris,” said Anne Souyris, assistant to the mayor of Paris in charge of public Health, interviewed on BFM TV. Paris is classified in the red since Friday, as the Bouches-du-Rhône department in which the circulation of the virus is active. In Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrenees), the celebrations of the Assumption have been overturned. The access to the places of the pilgrimage of world-wide fame has been limited to 10 000 people – instead of 25 000 usually – the mask is mandatory, and many patients have given up to make the trip. Those arriving by trains healthcare, often older and in poor health and in search of miraculous healing, will be absent this year. “It is a heart-wrenching not to take them, grieves with the Agence France-Presse Vincent Cabanac, director of the national Pilgrimage.

also Read Paris : the difficult beginnings of the mask mandatory in the street

But the public spaces outside are not the only ones at the center of all attentions. The calls of the medical world succeed one another in favor of the mask in some closed places frequented in a professional setting or not. This is the case of the High Council of the French public health (HCSP), which advocates for the port “systematic” in ” all enclosed areas of public and private collective “. The conclusions of the HCSP broadcast this weekend as a result of the study of publications ” describing the contamination occurred in enclosed public places (restaurant, bus, cruise ships, rehearsals, choirs, etc) and some professional circles (slaughterhouses, etc) “.

Promote “telework”

” It is urgent to make compulsory the wearing of the mask in all enclosed spaces, in all offices, in all of the classrooms and lecture theatres and also to encourage unambiguous telecommuting, distance-learning courses and the reorganization of classes, with staff fewer “, also write in a column published Friday by Releasing a twenty professors and doctors of medicine. “The virus does not think, does not move, does not jump,” said for its part, the Directorate-general of health in its balance sheet daily on Friday. “It is we who move, who come into contact with others, that sometimes we lose heart in terms of prevention. There is no fatality. “.

writing will advise you

” That is what will cost the most expensive, free of masks or a second containment ? “