The $ 7 million of the poorest French do must already be given the masks free of charge. But should it go further ? This is what calls for Valérie Rabault, president of the group Socialists and related to the national Assembly. Tuesday, at the microphone of France Info, she asked Tuesday that a “quota of masks,” free to be given to each citizen to address the epidemic of Covid-19. “I think that it is necessary for the government to go further and he says that one distributes a quota of masks for every citizen “, demanded the deputy PS of the Tarn-et-Garonne.

According to her, it would allow that ” some do not renounce to wear the mask because it was too expensive : when you have a family of two or three children plus two parents, it starts to make a little addition to the end of the month “. Several representatives of the left, including a “coordinating anti-Covid” sixteen mayors of ile-de-france, had already spoken in favour of the free masks.

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ever Since July 20, the mask-wearing became compulsory in enclosed public places, to put a stop to the resumption of the outbreak of coronavirus, and some local authorities impose now the port in public places that are open. The minister of Health Olivier Veran has announced on 22 July that the government was going to send for free 40 million of masks in general public washed to 7 million of the poorest French do.

in addition, Ms. Rabault took the opportunity to “ask that there be a conference of finance” about the recovery plan to determine “what portion must be financed by debt,” wishing to avoid ” to benefit from all the stimulus funding on the increase of the debt “.

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