Turkey is one of the most popular travel destinations among Germans. The Federal government classifies the country as a Corona-risk area. What this means for holiday makers.

The Turkey is among German tourists very popular. A official travel ban, there is not , but the Federal government speaks a warning. What should vacationers now.

Berlin – For Europe the situation is pretty clear: The holidays can start. But what about the other countries? A risk list of Federal government there is now new evidence. The fact a country is that German tourists are particularly popular.

risk list of Federal government: Turkey as a Corona-risk area

The Federal government has Turkey along with 130 other countries, as a Corona-risk area classified . On the list on Monday (15. June) was published for the first Time by the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) and now is regularly updated, there are also other popular vacation countries of the Germans, such as Egypt, Thailand and Morocco, .

Passengers from a risk area must expect that you need to 14 days in quarantine . For these countries, a repeal of the still for more than 160 countries outside of the European Union-wide travel warning is therefore considered unlikely. However, there was “no automatism”, stressed a spokesman for the foreign office.

especially the Turkey, the> third most popular holiday destination of Germans to Spain and Italy </strong , is pushing for a repeal of this travel warning and advertises to German tourists. Turkish foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu had shown a few days ago, disappointed by the retention of the travel warning. "The scientific reasons behind the decision are hard for us," he said to the mirror. Everything is prepared for a safe journey in Turkey.

new infections increased sharply: Therefore, Turkey is considered to be Corona-risk area

On Tuesday evening (16. June 2020) reported that the Turkish health Minister Fahrettin Koca however, about the 1,500 new infections in 24 hours – almost twice as many as at the beginning of June (around 800). For comparison: In Germany, where, as in Turkey, around 83 million people, were reported on Wednesday morning, 345 new cases in 24 hours.

The official Turkey are the numbers in the Federal government already considered suspect . For the assessment of high-risk areas, it is not only on the pure data – it is also about transparency. Turkey explains that the infection does not pay in tourist areas is low, and intensive care beds are enough, a regional breakdown of the case numbers it is known, however, . This is not expected in Berlin for the trust.

Turkey is trying but, with a certification program to score points, which is also tested by the TÜV Süd. Hotels and caterers can participate on a voluntary basis. A whole catalogue of requirements must be met. On the beaches about a security must be complied with distance and items to be disinfected in rooms. In Hotels and airports, thermal imaging cameras are used. the passengers must . according to the interior Ministry at the time of entry in addition to a health check under pull When symptoms and needs can be made, therefore, a free corona test.

Turkey holidays: The travelers must note

precautionary measures in case of Entry in Turkey :

the travel alert is not a travel ban, which is why it takes some of the tourists still in Turkey. The ban on entry is for German nationals since 11. June lifted. As the Foreign office informed, would be carried out at the port of entry in Turkey health studies. Should be found to have an elevated temperature or other symptoms, would be made in a Corona Test. In the case of a positive result is thus arranged medical treatment – even quarantine measures are not excluded.

entry ways and public transport :

There are regular flights from Turkey to Germany and Vice versa, informed the Foreign office. The Land and sea borders were open, except for the border with the Iran. Anyone travelling in Turkey with a train or flying, you need an authorisation code (“HES”-Code). These travelers come by SMS, or by using an App. Airlines provide information and instructions.

activities of Daily living, and mask compulsory in Corona-times-in-Turkey :

on the basis of country-wide School and University examinations are subject to lock in all the provinces of General output, this means it is according to the foreign Ministry. Curfews apply on Saturday, the 27. June from 9.30 am to 15 PM and on Sunday, the 28. June from 9.30 to 18.30. In addition, a General curfew from 20 to 10 a.m., is for people over 65 years of age. Between the provinces can only be achieved with a permit to travel.

on public transport, In market places and in supermarkets of Turkey, a mask is compulsory also. In larger cities such as Istanbul and Ankara, even in the whole of the public space. It must be kept three steps of distance to other people.

interesting : Corona: These rules apply while on holiday in Croatia.

More than 30 Non-EU countries, no risk areas

The Federal government had because of the Corona pandemic imposed a global travel warning for tourists on Monday for 27 European countries lifted . For more than 160 countries outside the EU, it is first of all, until 31. August , but can be for individual countries, previously repealed.

For a risk area but this is unlikely to , because the criteria are similar to those used in the travel warning. The decisive factor for classification as a risk area, the number of new infections as for the travel warning . There are more than a total of 50 to 100.000 inhabitants within a week, applies to a country as a risk area. But even if the number of infections is lower, it can be declared a country at-risk area – for example, in the case of lack of testing capacity or insufficient measures to mitigate the pandemic . “Also is taken into account, if no reliable information for specific countries,” reads the website of the RKI.

countries outside The EU, which have not been classified as a risk area, can now hope for a lifting of the travel warning make. It is more than 30 countries, including Tunisia as a not far from Europe-located holiday destination, the hopes on tourists from Germany.

29 U.S. States on the list

In some other countries, which were not classified as a risk area for travellers no difference. the Australia and new Zealand is, for example, an entry ban for travelers from the EU, as well as in the United States* .

The United States is the only country for which the Federal government makes a to regions of differentiated evaluation. the 29 of the 50 States are classified as high-risk areas . These include California, Florida, and is the capital of Washington count. The in the meantime very much of the pandemic hit New York is not in view of the significant improvement in the situation on the list. (fk with Material of the dpa)

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