The Review by Apple and Google has passed the Corona-Warning-App of the Covenant already. From Tuesday on you should you can download and use. What should users know about this?

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – the Corona-Warning-App great hopes in the fight against the pandemic to rest. The App not only helps to prevent infection. You can help people afterwards on high-risk encounters will be informed. Users ask a lot of questions – even to the everyday use of the App and how you should offer on any of your devices use.

Where can you download the official App and how do I stop a Fake App fall?

The Corona-Warning-App Federal a own Homepage (, and also for the Links to Download the versions for iOS (iPhone) and Android provided be has. If you’re looking for it, you have to enter the term “Corona-Warning-App”, not “Covid-19” or other search words. The starting point for a search in the official App can also use the Homepage of the Federal government be ( Per country, there is only one official Corona-Warning-App.

On which devices the App will run?

The App is based on a concept of Apple and Google. Therefore, the devices must be able to provide this program interfaces available. The iPhone is the work of the current iOS 13.5. The for devices from the iPhone 6s. IPhone 6, 5S, 5 or an older model is not enough. In the case of Android phones have Bluetooth LE must be supported. Also Android 6 or a newer Version needs to run, and it does not need to be enabled for Google Play Services, because the group provides the interfaces over Android, but this Google services.

The new Android devices from Huawei such as the P40, this Google do not have services. The App is running there anyway?

Huawei wants to bring the App with a replica of Google services on its latest Android Smartphones to Run. According to Huawei, the corresponding Huawei services (HMS Core) must be updated to Version Not the App to run on Google-free Android versions such as LineageOS or /e/.

How the App works?

The App relies on the wireless technology Bluetooth, the controls otherwise, wireless speakers, keyboards, or other devices. They function depending on the Smartphone model at a distance of two and a half to five minutes, an anonymous identification number 16 Times in the surrounding area. At the same time, the phone is listening, whether it can be Bluetooth signals from Other receive. Users who have both run the App on, side by side, exchange the Smartphones of their IDs.

caution: abroad, the App doesn’t work currently. And foreign guests who are staying in Germany, can install the App without a German Bank account in the case of Google or Apple currently or use.

continuous Funkerei is not Sucking the battery empty?

The developers say that the App pulls a lot of electricity, and only a tiny fraction of the battery capacity is increasing. More problematic than the Corona-Warning App could be the many other Apps that are installed on a typical Smartphone. When other applications Wake up together with the Corona-Warning App from the idle state – for example, Social Media Clients, or E-Mail programs, then that can shorten the life of the smartphone. This is also the main reason for this is that the App does not function constantly, but only every two and a half to five minutes.

How do I know that one has to be in the vicinity of an Infected stopped?

Who tested positive for Covid-19, can this Status even in the App. To prevent abuse, must be confirmed this Status, but not officially. This is done through a QR-Code that you receive from the testing laboratory. Alternatively, you can also enter a TAN – a transaction number that you get from a telephone Hotline, because not all laboratories are able to generate QR Codes. In the infection in case the affected App-contacts will then receive a note that you should test.

the App does not jeopardize the privacy of the user?

privacy advocates praise in the meantime, the App, after it has hailed on first concepts, even fierce criticism. The App and related services are now going to replace the true identities of the users, but only anonymous IDs, which can change several times in the hour. The contact details will not be stored centrally – how to start, but on a decentralised basis in the respective Smartphones. Only the list of anonymized IDs of the Infected is kept on a Central Server, the comparison takes place solely on the individual Smartphones.

Where can I download the Corona-Warning-App?

The Corona-Warning App by the Robert Koch Institute is in the App Stores of Google and Apple now available. The safest way to Download leads via the website

Who visits the page, on the bottom of the screen has direct Links to Google and Apple, and guaranteed the right program.

Anyone looking for the App rather directly in the respective Stores, should pay attention to the correct name in his search, otherwise he will be routed depending on the platform, possibly in other Apps. Sure to target the exact search for the term “corona leads-warning-app”. For other terms, such as, for example, “coronavirus app rki” it may happen that you end up in the right App.

Effect of increased data traffic on the mobile phone cost?

The mobile operators in Germany charge their customers for no data traffic, the App is caused by the new Corona-Warning. The Chairman of the management Board of Deutsche Telekom AG, Timotheus Höttges, announced now the introduction of the Tracing-App in Berlin. This “Zero-Rating” will not be practiced only by the Telekom, but by all providers.

an employer May arrange the use of the App for its employees?

such A question should have been in the contract of employment are regulated, there is no mention of but mostly. In many cases, the employer will not be able to arrange, therefore, in spite of its duty of care to employees and customers. Some lawyers believe, however, that this can be arranged with pure mobile phones and frequent contacts with colleagues and customers.

How many people have to use the App, so that you get the desired effect?

In Reports to the Corona-Warning-App-said that the full effect is only reached when 60 per cent of the population or more to participate. This number comes from a scientific study from Oxford. The researchers say that the number of infections and deaths also decreases when the application rate is lower.

you Can replace the App, the Wearing of respiratory masks, and to Comply with the distance rules?

no. The App can only help to identify chains of Infection faster. Anyone who wants to protect themselves and others from infection, should also maintain the App in the phone enough distance and wear a mask.

Corona-Warning App for iOS

Corona-Warning App for Android

communication from the University of Oxford

Minister of health, Jens Spahn in the “Rheinische Post”

discussion draft of a Tracing-App-discrimination prohibition act

Corona-Warning-App on Github

SAP CTO Müller on LinkedIn
