real customer reviews when shopping Online is often a useful help for orientation. However, caution is required. Numerous reviews are manipulated.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Positive customer reviews many products on the Internet in the best light. However, it is not all Gold that glitters, warns the “Stiftung Warentest”. Every credible-sounding Review can be manipulated, the magazine writes in its latest issue.

Online-dealers would often buy reviews of the agencies and were not fined to be rare. In many cases funds would be sprucing up moderate reviews in hindsight, found the editors in a Test. Only two agencies out of seven would not have attempted to influence the evaluation to Positive.


Also a Counter-Check of the tester and purchased with the assistance of a Shop-party reviews for the Google profile. Four agencies provided a total of 120 good reviews – for around 10 Euro a piece.

customer reviews when Online shopping is quite helpful. Fake reviews but can definitely recognize and filter out, stresses the “Stiftung Warentest”.

Helpful Check

– “read you prefer the negative reviews and look for Matches,” advises the magazine. Several users would find about the same lack of complaining, this could be an indication of a de facto vulnerability.

– made a review, perhaps, been more Five-star reviews? A click on Amazon or Google whose profile reveals a lot about his/her habits and possible “Agency experience”.

– Are almost only positive reviews exist, or this will follow promptly after a bad, you could possibly be cheated have been.

– Unusual formulations in a review you can Google it also. You will in several Places find, that can be an indication of a Fake.

– Amazon highlights with awards such as “Amazon’s Choice” or “best-selling” a supposed Top-products. Users should, however, be aware of what can possibly be manipulated – factors for the assessments used.

policy reacts

Against the flourishing business with a fraudulent consumer-reviews intervenes in the meantime, but the policy. The EU Commission has specified that websites must disclose with customer ratings in the future, whether and how to check the authenticity of self. The EU member States must implement this requirement in national law.

a voluntary standard, there are now for Online customer reviews. Portals can have “Din Iso 20488” certified, stresses the “Stiftung Warentest”.

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