Horst Seehofer, has for years been an influential figure in German politics – he has now announced a hard cut.

Horst Seehofer wants to return to politics after 50 years. The Federal Minister of the interior has announced in an Interview with a hard cut. Praise of former CSU chief once more for the course of Chancellor Merkel in the Corona-the crisis of Europe.

Berlin – the Federal Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU) want to get off after the expiry of the term from policy . After the next election, a “total contrast to what I’ve been doing the last 50 years to start for him,” said the 70-Year-old mirror in a Friday pre-published contribution. He will then be a “non-political person”. “You will find me in any of the Supervisory Board.”

Horst Seehofer announces the retreat: “you are me can with the current policy does not entice you”

“you are me can with the current policy does not entice you, even if it annoys me perhaps even more so,” said the CSU politician. For the crisis policy of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the Corona pandemic Seehofer found even more words of praise: “This was exactly the right strategy.” In Germany a “long, long haul to get now” in order to overcome the Corona-crisis. “And since we need the Chancellor.”

The country had so far got through the crisis, said Seehofer on. “All of this leads me to believe that we are pushing the Virus further back and maybe even be able to overcome.”

Seehofer CSU wants to hold on Friday, its first virtual Congress.
