Flight cancellation: passengers can be a credit claim

In the case of booked flights, the Corona-caused, may choose passengers, whether you would like to receive a coupon or amount refunded to get. This is enshrined in the EU air passenger rights. The passengers choose a refund, you must pay the amount within seven back.

flight right complains against Lufthansa and the Irish low cost Airline Ryanair. The service provider for enforcement of traffic rights has to be present according to information from 20,000 cases in which the customer a refund of the flight is entitled to costs, but it is not done. It comes to repayment of more than 20 million euros.

“Hardly an airline law behaves currently is faithful and pays back the passengers to the ticket price. If the Airlines switch to continue to be stubborn, we submit, therefore, in the next days and weeks, thousands of additional claims for our customers,” says a legal expert, Oskar de Felice of flight right against the FAZ.

Home Office: the future of work?

Twitter, at least, sees it this way, if the tasks allow it. The group provides its employees, whether they come back after the Corona-crisis in the office or continue working from home. You decide for the Home Office, the company pays a subsidy. “If our employees are in a role and situation that allow you to work from home, and you want to make it forever more, we will make that possible,” said the short message service (mirror).

Facebook CEO Marc Zuckerberg does not go quite so far, but it is also the Belief that the Corona pandemic has initiated a long-term change to the Home Office. He estimates that in ten years, every other Facebook employees from home to work. “Some people thought that everything will fall apart – but that’s not,” said Zuckerberg happened in a conversation with “The Verge”, the FAZ refers to. The Work in the Home Office have proven to be more efficient than expected.

Spotify: share, running well in the pattern depot

thumbs up for the Spotify share, says the business week. In your example portfolio, the share of the Swedish music streaming provider cut well. The quarterly figures were positive: The users numbers increased to 286 million. At the same time, the ratio of revenue improved to expenditure. The high license fees that have to pay the Swedes to the music rights holders, had been mitigated with an extension of the Podcast business, in which such charges are incurred.

Not so good on the advertising revenue. Here are the revenue Corona the way broke-conditionally, so that the annual turnover has been adjusted slightly downwards. A consolation was that over 90 percent of revenue come from ad-free subscriptions.

This article from MONEY editor

*The contribution to “flight failure: passengers credit demand, Home Office was written: the future of work?, Spotify: share, running well in the pattern depot” is published by LOOT. Contact with the executives here.
