Why is the Covid-19-death rate in this country is lower than in the UK? A neuroscientist excited with his answer caused a stir.

In Germany, there is less Dead in connection with Corona* as in the UK. The British neuroscientist Karl Friston has set up a steep Thesis. Among other things, SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach contradicts him vehemently.

London – UK Premier Boris Johnson in Europe most of the dead in connection with Sars-CoV-2* and currently also have a solid Corona scandal. The British neuro-scientist, Karl Friston has been compared to the country in the pandemic* now with Germany and a bold faith placed in the record. Since we do not know all the causes, we need to close on you.

In a Guardian Interview, Friston, and Say to the independent language Committee belongs to the British government advises, first of all, about his methodology . “We focus on the physics, especially on Richard Feynman , because the approach looks at the ‘under the hood’ of the problem. It tries the mathematical structure – in this case, the Corona-pandemic – to penetrate and to understand the causes. Since we do not know all the causes, we need to close on you.“ This includes, of course, a degree of uncertainty, which is why he can speak of a “generative model”.

Coronavirus-researchers: “Germany has more immunological ‘Dark matter'”

In the context of this model, Friston and his Team have also Corona data* from Germany. Why there were less Covid-19-deaths ? Friston responds, first, that this may, now “non-intuitive” sound, but: “A more likely expectant explanation is that Germany has more immunological ‘Dark matter’ – people who have a Form of natural resistance to the Virus.”

“Dark matter” is a concept from physics and refers to a Form of mass that is not visible, but nevertheless, on the force of gravity acts. It is not proven, but a cornerstone of many physical models. “We can’t see them, but we know that you have to be there to explain what we see.”, as Friston in the conversation.

Thesis Corona-dead in Germany – the experts disagree

“It looks as if the Corona-mortality rate in Germany because of their better Tests is relatively low,” explained Friston more. “But it is probably more so that the average infectious German less quickly than the average Briton.”

Dark matter in the immunology ? An idea against which many Balk. So Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit Hamburg Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for tropical medicine at the request of the mirror said that there is sure causes, which also by chance and lucky played a role. “For example, it is well that the Webasto Cluster was discovered early and there was no further spread of this Cluster.”

Dark matter: Karl Lauterbach (SPD) for the Coronavirus-Thesis: “Saying nothing”

Melanie Brinkmann from Helmholtz centre for infection research sees the Friston-Corona-Thesis skeptical. The Germans would have acted much earlier than the British and more tested – and, in fact: “Dark matter can be anything – actually, it means nothing else than that there are things that we can’t know yet and declare,” the report said.

, And SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach , which is in the Corona-crisis presence in the media, as usual, tweeted prompt: “Karl Friston is one of the most important neuro-scientists. But his Theory is that nothing (dark matter=unknown, factors actually mean?)… Germany was successful because it responded quickly, a lot of testing and a good health system.“


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