The Senate, with a majority of the right voted this weekend in favor of several measures to help those affected by the crisis of the sars coronavirus.

A bonus to the hiring

In the night from Saturday to Sunday, the Senate voted a premium of hiring, particularly young people, broader than those defended by the government, and “purchase vouchers” to lower-income households can be used in tourism and recreation, severely affected by the crisis. The first device, valued at 400 million euros, offers companies with less than 250 employees a bonus at hiring for any CDI or CDD of more than six months, in the amount of 4 000 euros for a maximum of two years. With a 50% increase for the hiring of young people under the age of 26 years leaving initial education, either 6, 000 euros.

Besides for young people, for whom there would be no cap on the benefit of such a bonus would be limited to the hiring of employees up to 1.6 SMIC. The minister of the public Accounts Olivier Dussopt has challenged a premium is ” too broad “, attributed to “any age” and called on the senators to “support the amendment” of the government on the employment of young people.

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A budget of 50 million to finance the meals to a euro of scholarship students

The Senate passed on Sunday a proposed amendment by the government to the draft law of the amended budget increasing by € 50 million in appropriations dedicated to ” student life “, in order to finance the meals to a euro for scholarship students. The Prime minister, Jean Castex had announced on Wednesday that ” upon reentry, the meals in the university restaurants will be 1 euro for scholarship students “, against 3,30 euros currently, in order to ” support the students, especially the most modest, who find themselves in difficulty with less access to menial jobs.”

The envelope of 50 million euros will fund this measure and respond to increases in costs of scholarships based on social criteria, indicated the minister in charge of public Accounts, Olivier Dussopt. “It won’t be enough “, warned Pierre Ouzoulias (CRCE-majority communist), for which this amount is ” a drop of water in relation to the essential needs of the universities and back to work “. “You can always see the glass half-empty, it is necessary to see it half full,” retorted the spokesperson for the group LREM Julien Bargeton. “It is a real step forward “, he stressed, indicating that ” 715 000 students are affected as soon as September “.

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assistance to the industries of the future

The Senate passed Saturday night an amendment to the government includes an envelope maximum of 490 million euros, of which 50 million are usable in the short term, for décarboner industry, finance industry of the future, or of plans for the relocation industry. The goal is to “launch a call for projects very quickly” on these three subjects, emphasized Olivier Dussopt during the review of the third draft of the finance law. “This explains the difference between the permissions of commitment (490 million euros) and payment appropriations (eur 50 million) “, that can be mobilised in the short term, he said.

The short of the same evening, the Senate also voted on an amendment to the government opening up 250 million euros of additional appropriations for the agency for financing transport infrastructures of France (AFITF), the revenue from which will be severely affected by the health crisis. Because of the confinement, the agency had to undergo a sharp decline of its resources, including the fraction of the solidarity tax on airline tickets which is allocated to him and / or fines of radar road. The amendment in government, presented at the third project finance law, adds that he will in the future engage in a “reflection” on the terms of financing transport infrastructure in france.

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A reduction in tax outstanding for the donations from individuals

Sunday, the Senate voted on an amendment introducing a tax reduction for outstanding donations from individuals in order to participate in the economic recovery. The amendment was voted against the opinion of the government, and with an opinion of wisdom of the general rapporteur LR, Albéric de Montgolfier. It provides a tax reduction of 75 % (against 66 %) on donations made by taxpayers, between the 1st June and the 31st December 2020, in particular to the benefit of foundations, associations of public utility or agencies of general interest… all within the limit of 1 000 euros. “This derogatory regime has been put in place for the first time at the request of the President of the Republic to support the collection of donations for the benefit of Our Lady “, recalls in his amendment, the senator LR Arnaud Bazin. “The crisis we are experiencing demand for a device that is at least comparable to support the effort of the generosity of private individuals “, he says.

A renewal of the fleet of the forces of law and order

The Senate has finally voted on Sunday an amendment to the government bill of amended budget for 2020, which allocates € 75 million of additional credits in order to renew and green up the fleet of vehicles of the police and the gendarmerie. The measure, which opens 75.3 million euros of credits by commitment approvals (60,2 in payment authorizations), must allow for the acquisition ” by 2020, approximately 1 150 electric vehicles, 1 150 motor vehicles gasoline “, but also ” more than 1,500 electric bicycles of French production “. “This renewal is an increase of 50 % plans equipment which had been planned for 2020,” said the Interior ministry in a press release.

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