The question was on everyone’s lips : Emmanuel Macron was going to bring it, during his televised speech, a response to the anger of the security forces, accused of racism and violence, and in extreme cold with Christophe Castaner ? Sunday, June 14, the president of the Republic has declared its support. He said among other things that the cops “deserve the support of the public power and the gratitude of the Nation”.

Before the French, in a speech announcing an acceleration of déconfinement, the head of State is required to have strong words for the forces of law and order. “Without a republican order, there is no security, no freedom,” he said, “this order it is the police officers and gendarmes on our soil will ensure”. “They are exposed to the daily risks on our behalf”, he added.

The support of Christophe Castaner

The words presidential followed by a message posted on Twitter by Christophe Castaner, who provoked the anger of forces of the order of this past week. “Committed” to preserve the republican order, police officers and gendarmes are also the guarantors of our freedoms, and our security”, he as well tweeted. “By the voice of Emmanuel Macron, that the whole nation pays tribute to their dedication. Gratitude and trust to the forces of order,” added the minister, strongly criticised by the police for questioning Monday of the techniques of arrest.

Read also The police lets burst its anger in front of the ministry of the Interior

Since Monday, police have increased the movements and manifestations of discontent. On Friday, four police unions – Alliance, Synergy, SCIP and Unsa – have descended the Champs-Elysées and, in particular, asked to be received by Emmanuel Macron. But the head of State he convinced the forces of the order of its real support in his speech ?

A partial answer to a malaise that is always present

“The president plays the acrobats, and responds only partially to the expectations of the police,” responded to the Agency France-Presse Fabien Vanhemelryck, secretary-general of the trade union Alliance at the conclusion of the presidential address. The union maintains its “request for hearing” with the president of the Republic, as well as the mobilization. “Everyone knows that the social climate may become more tense, the question remains whether the president will need us or not,” warns the trade union Alliance.

Read also Remarks by Emmanuel Macron : the reactions of the political class

On LCI on Sunday evening, the delegate general of the syndicat Alliance police nationale Stanislaus Gaudon, for its part, considered that “the sentence is a bit short for a topic as important as that of police officers and gendarmes who have been unjustly attacked”. “The president has lent his support” to the forces of the order, has tweeted the union officers and stewards SCSI, “it must now fulfill its promises of campaign : police academy, in-service training and the widespread use of cameras pedestrians. It also needs to change gear and to conduct an ambitious policy for the security of everyday life.”

Sunday evening, according to BFMTV, after the speech of Emmanuel Macron, a gathering of police officers was in progress at the Trocadéro in Paris. The journalist of the chain on the place spoke in particular of the police officers who heard the words presidential, but until now true acts.

writing will advise you

municipal Police in Marseille : the racism is still rampant Remarks of Emmanuel Macron : the reactions of the political class Emmanuel Macron wants to incarnate the”republican order”